Monday, December 17, 2012

Tragedy at Newtown - 14/12/2012

For those of you who don't know - the 14 December 2012 was a very dark day in America, a gunman walked into a school in New town Connecticut and opened fire, killing his own mother, the principle if I remember correctly and 28 children - the children's birth years were all in the 2000's, so the majority of them I would imagine weren't much older than 10,  it broke my heart. I have a very soft spot for children and when I see a child harmed in anyway, It was makes me sick to my stomach as well as angry and I spent the day yesterday just in quiet reflection, very sad and I cried a lot for those little lives.

You know at a time like this and not only this if we look around at all the things that are going on in the world, we tend to find ourselves asking why? Why is this happening? And especially questions like, where is God? Why is He letting this happen? Why isn’t He protecting us? There is an explanation for it....I think Billy Graham’s daughter said it best – we are basically getting what we asked for.....we have taken God out of our schools, our homes, our businesses, our lives and to a large extent we are trying to take Him out of our countries. You’ve gotta remember God is a gentlemen, He will NEVER force Himself on anybody ever and if we tell Him to go away and that we don’t want Him, He will graciously honour our request and leave. But then after we’ve told Him to leave and that we don’t want Him, how can we expect Him to protect us. You know, we tell Him to get lost, in our words and actions and then we (I’m talking about the human race in general), want to know where He was when such and such happened, and why didn’t He protect us? And best of all some of us tend to blame Him. It seems a bit silly to me....I once saw a poster on facebook that put it quite plainly it went something like this.....Little Girl: “God, why didn’t you stop the shooting at my school?”  God: “I’m not allowed to be in schools”.

You ask why people do these things, why they snap, its a simple answer.....satan (I will never spell the name with an uppercase “S”, it really does not deserve that much respect). Remember, in  the beginning of the Bible when the serpent tempted eve and she disobeyed God, sin entered the world, the reason God told her not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is because if she ate from it she would know the difference between good and evil, and that is exactly what happened and with people now knowing the difference we’re capable of committing evil and sinning. And that was the moment that evil entered the world....this is actually a whole long I’m gonna try and give you the short version. Sin and evil have been a part of the world since that moment, and satan has free reign to walk the earth believe it or not he is not in hell, he exists between earth and the atmosphere and God has given him the freedom of those 2 places and to do what he wants on earth.....HOWEVER (not a lot of people realize this) God has the little twirp on a leash, and satan is free to do what he wants as far as God will allow it.  We are living in the last days, I don’t believe Jesus is coming, I believe He is on His way and it will be when Jesus returns that satan’s time will be up and he will be cast into hell....into the lake of fire. It knows it’s time is short and is running out and while he is roaming the earth he is going to cause as much destruction as he possibly can.....he knows where he is headed and since his time is short he's making hay while the sun shines.  Look at the world around you, atheism is on the rise, Christians are being persecuted and killed all over the world especially in muslim countries, human trafficking is reaching epidemic proportions, America today has aborted approximately 50 million babies and the number is climbing, people are dying of hunger all over the world, children are being abandoned all over the world, on the streets and in orphanages because some people need to be sterilized because they don't seem to understand the concept of "you made, you raise it", hurricane Sandy has hit and people have lost their lives, family members and their homes, close your eyes and imagine for moment looking at your home floating in a river - destroyed, civil war is breaking out in Syria, Barack Hussein Obama has just given 20 of the US Airforce's F16 fighter jets to the Egyptian president (who by the way is - if I remember correctly - a leader of the Muslim brotherhood which to my knowledge is a terrorist organization), why didn't Hussein Obama just hang up a banner saying "come Al Quada...hit us again...9/11 wasn't enough for us", in South Africa farmers are being brutally murdered by the thousands and not out of armed robberies, this is nothing more than a hate crime, the government of a Middle African country has adopted a scorched earth and ethnic cleansing policy and is burning down the villages of people in the mountain areas, I'm not sure if they're specifically targeting Christians but churches were targeted, do I need to give an explanation of what's currently happening to Israel?? I don't think so. If you in your spare time want to do some research on end time prophesy everything we are seeing happening in the world today was prophesied.

And people ask why does God allow it? They think He doesn’t care, it’s not that at all, believe me He cares, I can only imagine when the shooting happened the amount of tears that rained down in Heaven and I can promise you all those victims are in His loving arms right now and they are happy right in the center of the Fathers unconditional love. But, God gave mankind freewill, we can choose Him and REALLY live, or we can choose the world (satan’s kingdom) which is going to die and has nothing to offer us. And if we choose the world or satan’s kingdom, then that’s what we get with everything that comes with it.

If we as people open the door of our minds, satan can control our  minds, it can control our thoughts, that is his playground, that is where he toys with us, you asked how somebody can snap and go nuts like that....that’s how. But we all have a choice in life....satan toys our minds and twist our minds and our thoughts etc. But Christ has given us a spirit of peace and of love and of a sound Christ satan can’t touch us....not without God’s permission and then He keeps the leash very very short.

Remember bad things are going to happen to people in this world, but God will always take every circumstance and bad occurrence and work it out for good, as human beings we can’t see it, because God is so infinite and so massive and so beyond our understanding that in the moment of something bad happening we can’t see any good coming out of it, but we must remember that He can see what’s coming, He can see the road ahead and He works all things for good to those who honor and serve Him....(sometimes I wish He would accidentally pull the leash a bit too tight and strangled the turd) 

This is a subject that is a very long explanation and we can go on for ever on this subject, but I’ve just given you the broad strokes. I can honestly tell you because I know my Father so well, that His heart was broken when the tragedy took place and I can almost guarantee He cried that day, because this isn’t what He wanted for us....He never ever wanted His creation to turn out the way we have and I’m sure His heart is aching for the parent’s of those children. All we can do is pray that they will allow Him to comfort them and to get them through this time and to give them His strength and carry on trusting Him as hard as it is and I know having lost a child myself it is very damn hard to trust Him in the time of a tragedy like this.

There was once a story of a girl who professed her faith before she was shot, if I remember correctly that happened at the Columbine shooting. Remember us as Christians have no fear of death (not like the muslims who kill themselves and murder people for their stupid religion), Jesus told us that the world would hate us because they hated Him first and he warned us that persecution would come. And we live our lives and we carry on but we will never deny Christ and Christians are killed for that. And we know that in countries where we are persecuted and some are worse than others, and in situations like that shooting, we never deny Christ, but we have no fear of death. For a simple reason.....we know what’s waiting on the other side. All dying means is that we are gonna go to Glory a bit sooner than expected and I can tell you, that those Christians that have passed on from natural causes or not, wouldn’t want to come back even if they could. We long to be in the Father’s presence and the thought of seeing Jesus face to face and being right there with Him for all eternity, in paradise, in the center of a love that man just cannot comprehend. No more pain, no more tears, no more sadness, no more heartache, reigning as kings and queens with Christ, the Bible says we will have dominion over the angels. Compare this world to a life in eternity with nothing but a perfection and happiness and peace that your human mind can’t comprehend. You know what I dream of the day that I will get to see my Father in Heaven face to face and have Him wrap His arms around me and to hear the words "well done, my good and faithful servant" And in addition I have to tell you, that people like that girl that are killed for their faith, they are given the highest honor in Heaven.....the Bible says that when you walk into the thrown room the floor is made of crystal and the souls of the martyred saints can been seen through the crystal....the people who are killed for their faith are gathered right into the thrown room of God and live close to Him because of their sacrifice, they are honoured in Heaven and greatly rewarded.....

Remember something else, after Jesus returns and raptures His church, the Bible says that God will wipe out 1/3 of the worlds population, I believe  He is going to take an accounting for every aborted baby, murdered child etc. He is going to demand an accounting and He is going to exact His vengeance for those souls.  Remember He said “Vengeance is Mine” and the people who seemed to think that they had a right to murder unborn babies and kill children and never repented and asked Him forgiveness, they’ll pay for what they blood.

Now that I've preached fire and brimstone :D lol,  I'm going to get off my soapbox.

My heart truly aches for those who were directly affected by the shooting and the families who lost a loved one remain in my prayers for comfort and strength.

And as always.....if I managed to offend to anyone with this post......send me your address, I'll bring you a bag of cement so you can get started on that bridge.

Shalom and God Bless you all.
Yours in Christ always


1 comment:

  1. I just want to point out one statistic. Japan is the sixth least religious country in the world and has the second lowest gun murder rates in the world. Also, 83% of El Salvador is religious and they have the highest rate of gun murders.
