One thing about me is that when I'm right and I know I'm right....don't hold your breath waiting for me to back down or apologize. But when I'm wrong and I know I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit I was wrong and apologize and this is what this is.
This is by no means an apology to those who have questioned my beliefs as a Christian or my being a Christian at all, the arguments that I have had with you guys still stand and this apology is by no means for addition I hope for your sake you're not holding your breath 'cause an apology to you ain't coming.
This apology is aimed at the Christians that I have gotten into arguments with over recent months. People that have seen that I was travelling off the path and I assume out of love (but perhaps doing it the wrong way lol) tried to put me back on track. I wouldn't listen or see what they were trying to show me, and out of my own selfish arrogance and pride I believed I knew better than they did and I decided to in some instances ignore what they were trying to tell me and follow what I believed to be right and decided that they were wrong and in all instances I refused to listen to reason.
Needless to say this resulted in me going through a period of severe confusion, of my not being sure of my own salvation, of becoming utterly lost within my own belief system and just having absolutely no direction or no knowledge of where I was going and what was right and what was wrong. I went through a time when I started to believe that The Lord had turned His back on me and remembering that He said He would "never leave us nor forsake us" brought no comfort to my torment.
Starting down a wrong path and being taught wrong, I have recently learned can be an extremely slippery slope once you get on it. But I have discovered that if you want help and you want to know what is right and what is true and you cry out for help He will come and get you and He will rescue you.
Which I believe is what He has done with me.
This weekend I came back down to earth with a crash and it was a rude awakening....but it was done gently and out of love. And surprisingly it came from a source I would never have expected it to come from ....I must insert a big thank you to the friend who read me well enough to know that I was ready to listen and to hear what she had to tell me.
Its common knowledge I HOPE to ALL Christians that there are false teachers in the world today. There always have been but today in this age, it seems to be extremely prevalent and on the rise (don't look at me all shocked and shaken people!, we were expecting this, this is Christianity 101). And I've come to the realization that I - in all my arrogant, self-righteous pride - fell into the very trap that I swore would never catch me.
A number of these false teachers are people that I listen to, that I am a fan of, that I follow and believe are good teachers and are genuine and legitimate.
I'm not gonna name names right now for this post, suffice it to say that I have come to the knowledge that there is a teaching going around that the 3 days that Jesus spent in hell was for the purpose of Him being tortured there. First of all satan lacks the intelligence to torture Jesus even with both hands and a map, second of all, I'd like it explained to me how on God's green earth satan could possibly torture Jesus in hell, if he himself is not even there!!
The truth is that the purpose for Jesus spending those 3 days in hell was for the purpose of going into what was the then the paradise chamber to spend those 3 days teaching the prophets of the old testament of what He had done on earth, what was accomplished etc basically to teach them about the new convenant and to fetch them and take them into Heaven where they were now free to enter and where they belonged. The purpose was to go and fetch them. NOT TO BE TORTURED!!
The scary thing about this is, I have now heard 2 people 1 an evangelist and 1 a pastor (both of whom I followed and defended!) teaching this false doctrine. I initially decided to perhaps give them the benefit of the doubt and decide that they're only human and people make mistakes. The truth is that when you are leading large crowds like these people you need to be sure of what you are teaching them and be sure of your facts, basically it comes down to there is no room for mistakes. And in addition they are teaching this doctrine as fact.....I don't know what's more scary, the fact they are teaching this to people or that they actually believe it.
This is just one example of what's being taught to people and I would imagine there is plenty more where this came from.
I've come to the realization that I need to take a closer look at the people that I trust and that I follow and listen to. And do as we as Christians were instructed to do and test everything we are taught. This is going to mean getting back to basics and starting all over again, and by all means I am more than willing to do it.
I've decided to make the journey I am about to start on in my research, part of my blog. The reason I am going to do this is because there are many Christians out there who are being led astray by these people and the Bible clearly warns not to allow or cause another to stumble. So if I can manage to open the eyes of even one person through my own learning in this area and put that one person back onto the right track, then that's what I'm going to do.
So I hope you guys enjoy the U-Turn this blog is about to take and I am aware that I am going to run into some resistance even from certain Christians, I am aware of the possibility of it happening and I am prepared for it.
The truth is I am going to have people (a large number of them Christians) calling for my be it.....I'm not here to please you or to stroke your ego.....what matters to me is your spiritual condition and the condition of your soul and making sure that you are on the right track and showing you the real, honest truth.
And to those Christians who are going to offer resistance and attempt to lead to me off this path and tell me I'm wrong....might I refer you to the Book of Proverbs and perhaps a study on what the Book of Proverbs teaches about FOOLS.
Till next time.
Your in Christ