Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The Link I Forgot - 23 Minutes In Hell
Sorry I forgot this link that I promised in the last post....just a warning this link is 47 mins long so........
Again....this is not for the squeamish.......
A Very Sad Reality
I seem to be finding a lot of things lately to blog about, I'm sure you've all noticed that I'm not as quiet as I usually am.
I've had something that has been a bit heavy on my heart for the last while and I will admit I haven't consciously been giving it thought, but it has been in the back of my mind. And today, in fact about 15 mins ago I ran into something on Facebook that prompted me to write this blog. I think with this being in the back of my mind for so long and then what I saw on facebook kind of brought it to a culmination, it finally brought it to a point where I feel I now have something to say on the subject.
What I ran into on facebook was a video that an atheist had made - honestly I think his mommy forgot to give him his medication this morning and he looked a lot like the product of a brother/sister marriage, that aside, his video was a screaming and ranting attack against Christianity and Christians. Now my normal reaction to a video like this would be to turn it off and not give it more attention than it deserves...especially when the person is so obviously mentally unbalanced.
But something grabbed my attention and it was his description of why he is an atheist and where his believes were shaped as far as his upbringing.
In a nutshell, he was basically saying that he was raised in a cult that preached fire and brimstone and 'if you don't pull yourself right, you're gonna burn in hell" and then going on to talking about preachers who take 10% of a person's salary every month to fund their luxurious lifestyle. To the Christians who are reading this, what I'm about to say is going to shock you and may offend some, but please keep reading and hear me out.
I agree with him....there I said it.
The whole picture of his upbringing and why he feels the way he does was soooo clear to me, and my thoughts went further to "how far has this problem spread?" and how many atheists are atheists because of this precise reason?
We have cults in our society, some are blatantly in plain view, Jehovah's Witness, Mormon's, The New and Old Apostolic Church, The Seventh Day Adventist and let's not forget my personal favourite The Restored Church of God - if you are ever sad one day and feeling down and need a good honest laugh may I suggest go and Google The Restored Church of God let me tell you this man had me rolling on the floor in fits of laughter. I honestly still can't believe that first of all somebody could love themselves that much and second of all could possibly be that stupid. My husband thought I had lost what little was left of my mind.
Let me suggest, look up a video called something along the lines of - the true meaning of being born again or something to that effect. This man could be the poster child for the stupid and yes they walk among us.
Then you get the polygamist and underground cults, those that go into hiding, those that brainwash to an enormous extent and isolate their congregation from their families, and mess around with children and teach suicide pacts, those guys are dangerous. I actually asked the question recently, why aren't cults made illegal? Its simple...they fall under freedom of religion, the only time that the law can step in is when the cult starts to engage in illegal activities, such as gun smuggling, child molestation etc, before that they cannot be touched, how sick is that?
These children get raised in cults, cults that control through fear, what's the easiest way in religious terms to control through fear? tell them if they don't obey they're going to hell, it's that simple, the Catholic Church did it in ancient times to control the masses, then carried on with it when they discovered that it was a good way to make money....but that's a discussion for another time.
So these children get controlled through fear of going to hell (yes, hell is a real place, for those of you who doubt it, I will be posting a link to a video from a man who spent 23 minutes there in a vision.....not for sissies - you may need a change of underwear after this one), and this is these people's control mechanism. I think there are even some non-cult churches that do the same thing (shame on you!). And then these children leave the cult (if they can) and they go out into the world and start following preachers....and this is the part that makes my blood boil, you get preachers in the world today who claim to be doing God's work and in fact all they are doing is lining their own pockets....I have 7 preachers and evangelists that I follow and that I listen to and learn from and they are decent honest Christians and are honestly doing God's work although some have nothing better to do with their hands than nitpick and find fault in everything they do. But you get the fakes, you get the ones that are just in it as I said to line their own pockets and they target people and convince people to give 10% of their hard earned money to their church and then use the money to fund their private jets, fancy houses, fancy cars etc. I've even seen stories of preachers, who will do a healing service and they'll pay somebody who is perfectly healthy to come in in a wheelchair and let the so-called "preacher" pray over him and watch the guy get out of the wheelchair and walk away. And the people in the congregation don't know better so they throw money at the church.
Healing services are legit by the way, you just need to learn how to spot the real from the fake.
Now if I was in someone's position like that and got scammed and wronged in that way, I'd also be angry and I'd also turn my back on the church.
But, and I have to say this, I thank God for the grounding and foundation that I received at the school where I did Std 8 and 9 (which was pentecostal by the way), that I had it drummed into me on a regular basis who to stay away from, what to watch out for, what the signs are, what to be careful of. We were given the tools to protect ourselves, fortunately for us we were lucky enough to have that, others were not so fortunate and as a result have been harmed by scam artists and what we call false prophets, the Bible warned that they would come and guess what people...they have arrived and they didn't make a big entrance, they snuck in quietly through the back door.
Honestly, if my life had taken a different course and I hadn't had the most amazing teachers and people in my life at that time to guide me and I had ended up being the victim of a scam artist I can't honestly say I wouldn't have ended up an atheist and that's a sad and scary thought. And I am soooo grateful to God that He put the people in my life that He did to teach me the right way.
And this is what makes me soooo angry, is that the fakes out their are giving us decent, honest Christians a bad name. Not only are they dragging our name through the mud, but they are dragging Jesus' name through the mud and I take great offense to that....if you wanna drag my name through the mud go for it, but when you start harming the person who saved my life, that's a whole different ballgame.
Anyway, I'm getting off the topic now....the fakes and the false teachers and the scam artists out their are giving us a bad name and the way I see it, it's gotten to the point where, people hear the word God, Jesus, Christian, Christianity and it incites a murderous hatred for us, and what really makes my blood boil is that they are sooooo dishonest and so deceitful, they really couldn't care and that makes me sooo angry that a person can be that slimy.
I realized another thing that gives Christians a bad name is those Christians that will attempt to force the Gospel down your throat, they attempt to bring you to Christ through inciting fear (hell), some of them preach a God that is angry, unforgiving, cold, heartless...that's not the God I know (another subject for another time). They will harass you and brow beat you and put you on a spot everytime they see you. And I can't berate them for it...let me explain, right before Jesus left He left us with a job to do....He told us to go out and make disciples of all nations. And that's what those Christians are trying to do in a nutshell, so that's why I can't berate them for it, because I know that they mean well and that they mean no harm in what they are doing. But we come back to what I am always saying...there is a right way and a wrong way to do things and yet again the way they do things is the wrong way. They don't realize that what they are doing is bringing people to Christ the wrong way, these people are getting saved under duress.....they are going to resent the person, they are going to resent the church, they are going to resent's just all wrong. You can't force a person to do something they don't want to do and except them not to resent you or hate you for it, it's that simple, God is a gentlemen beyond measure and He would NEVER force Himself on anyone, so why do we think we have the right to do it? answer me that?. But they are coming from a good place and they mean well so if it happens to you just take it from where it comes and don't hurt them, just give them the courtesy of listening and maybe even pay attention and let them be on their way. They're not trying to hurt or harm you, so don't hurt them.
I learnt a simple lesson recently, a person will not commit to Jesus until they have a revelation of Him, of who He is, of the sacrifice He made for them and more importantly a revelation of His love them. That's not to say that our human minds can grasp the extent and vastness of His love for us, we can't our human minds do not have the capacity to grasp it....we can manage only a fraction of it and even that is enough to flatten us...literally. Let me explain.
I'm going to tell you a story about Staci...a quick story.
I became a Christian at 16, mostly because I believed it was expected of wasn't a waste though, I gained a large amount of knowledge and it gave me a foundation and a grounding to come back to.
I have found something to be very true through hearing people speak about it and reading things etc and I found it with me as well. People tend to project onto God the image of their earthly father, so, if your father was cold and distant etc that's how you're going to see God, if your father was loving and caring that's how you're going to see God, there's nothing with you or with that happening, it's human nature. Which is why we need to get to know Him and figure out who He is really and how He sees and feels about us.
At 16, I did exactly that and I spent the first 2 years of my Christianity, believing that I needed to prove myself to Him that I needed to fight for His approval, that I needed to work to be good enough for Him and I always felt like He wasn't there like I was the reject He had to put up with and that I would never be able to measure up to His standards.
Fast-forward 12 years, I'm 28, I'm dating an idiot still attached to the umbilical cord (mommy's boy). I'm practicing witchcraft, I'm fully into paganism and am working toward high priestess status (It's ugly I know - trust me that's the tip of the iceberg - a subject for another time however). And me and mommy's boy were driving to his house one day when he turns to me and says "my mom says you're not a god-fearing woman", I decided to make this a teaching moment and to revert to my Christian grounding and replied "I know, I don't fear those that love me", to which he replied "no, you don't understand what I'm saying" to which I asked him if he was sure he'd like to get into this argument with me, that ended the discussion. Fear has no association with love and it's a very short step from fear to hatred. I could never hate My Father, so no I am not a god-fearing woman, because I don't fear God, I love, respect, honour and worship Him...there is a difference.
But long story short, I always wondered where God was during the horrific times in my life, during the times when my ex-husband was beating me, the day I buried my son, all these things - where was He?. And it took me 16 years to figure out that He was right by my side the whole time, He had me in His arms the whole time, the problem was me, I refused to acknowledge or to turn to Him, so if I felt like He had left me and that He wasn't there I only had myself to blame. In that moment of realization I suddenly realized exactly how much He loved me, I realized the concept of "I will never leave you, nor forsake you", the realization of His love for me was so over-whelming that I curled up into the foetal position and to say the least the dam wall that had been standing for 16 years, burst and I cried for 4 hours. Now, I understand. So when I say it is capable of flattening you, I mean it literally!!
Now to end to off this blog, I want to make an appeal. I have recently come across a number of facebook pages that were aimed at the Christian community and I find atheists coming onto the pages and start attacking us and hammering us and picking fights with us and starting arguments with us. I have to ask why? what are you gaining out of this? I just do not understand it at all...why so much anger and hatred? Why do you feel so threatened by us that it sparks this aggression? you seem to protest a little bit too much about a God you say doesn't exist, to the point that you almost seem to be on a witch hunt looking for Christians to pick a fight with? and if you believe that God doesn't exist, why does it bother you so much? these pages on facebook as I see it were designed as a place for us to come and get to together and meet with other Christians and chat and just spend time together online. The last thing we want is to sit and argue with atheists who are doing nothing but trying to get a rise out of us and just plain be nasty.
And you know what this is what I want to say to you....we are all adults and are all capable of making our own choices in life and we don't need anybody's approval for the choices we make. You made a choice to be an atheist and my heart goes out to you and I'm sorry for you but that was the choice you made for yourself and I respect your right to make choices for yourself. The same as it was my choice to be a Christian and the same as I respect your choice, please offer me the same courtesy. I don't need you to approve of the choice I have made for myself nor do I care about your opinion of the choice I have made for myself.
So, feel free to come onto the Christian pages everybody is always welcome, but don't come onto the Christian pages with the intention of looking for a fight. You are more than welcome to join us there, but respect our beliefs and our choice in being Christians same as we respect yours and if you're going to come onto the pages with malicious intentions rather stay away...its not welcome.
Its just common courtesy.
Well that concludes this blog for today :)
And as always if I offended anyone....your bag of cement will be on it's way to you shortly, we don't want you to delay in getting started on that bridge.
Shalom and God Bless
I've had something that has been a bit heavy on my heart for the last while and I will admit I haven't consciously been giving it thought, but it has been in the back of my mind. And today, in fact about 15 mins ago I ran into something on Facebook that prompted me to write this blog. I think with this being in the back of my mind for so long and then what I saw on facebook kind of brought it to a culmination, it finally brought it to a point where I feel I now have something to say on the subject.
What I ran into on facebook was a video that an atheist had made - honestly I think his mommy forgot to give him his medication this morning and he looked a lot like the product of a brother/sister marriage, that aside, his video was a screaming and ranting attack against Christianity and Christians. Now my normal reaction to a video like this would be to turn it off and not give it more attention than it deserves...especially when the person is so obviously mentally unbalanced.
But something grabbed my attention and it was his description of why he is an atheist and where his believes were shaped as far as his upbringing.
In a nutshell, he was basically saying that he was raised in a cult that preached fire and brimstone and 'if you don't pull yourself right, you're gonna burn in hell" and then going on to talking about preachers who take 10% of a person's salary every month to fund their luxurious lifestyle. To the Christians who are reading this, what I'm about to say is going to shock you and may offend some, but please keep reading and hear me out.
I agree with him....there I said it.
The whole picture of his upbringing and why he feels the way he does was soooo clear to me, and my thoughts went further to "how far has this problem spread?" and how many atheists are atheists because of this precise reason?
We have cults in our society, some are blatantly in plain view, Jehovah's Witness, Mormon's, The New and Old Apostolic Church, The Seventh Day Adventist and let's not forget my personal favourite The Restored Church of God - if you are ever sad one day and feeling down and need a good honest laugh may I suggest go and Google The Restored Church of God let me tell you this man had me rolling on the floor in fits of laughter. I honestly still can't believe that first of all somebody could love themselves that much and second of all could possibly be that stupid. My husband thought I had lost what little was left of my mind.
Let me suggest, look up a video called something along the lines of - the true meaning of being born again or something to that effect. This man could be the poster child for the stupid and yes they walk among us.
Then you get the polygamist and underground cults, those that go into hiding, those that brainwash to an enormous extent and isolate their congregation from their families, and mess around with children and teach suicide pacts, those guys are dangerous. I actually asked the question recently, why aren't cults made illegal? Its simple...they fall under freedom of religion, the only time that the law can step in is when the cult starts to engage in illegal activities, such as gun smuggling, child molestation etc, before that they cannot be touched, how sick is that?
These children get raised in cults, cults that control through fear, what's the easiest way in religious terms to control through fear? tell them if they don't obey they're going to hell, it's that simple, the Catholic Church did it in ancient times to control the masses, then carried on with it when they discovered that it was a good way to make money....but that's a discussion for another time.
So these children get controlled through fear of going to hell (yes, hell is a real place, for those of you who doubt it, I will be posting a link to a video from a man who spent 23 minutes there in a vision.....not for sissies - you may need a change of underwear after this one), and this is these people's control mechanism. I think there are even some non-cult churches that do the same thing (shame on you!). And then these children leave the cult (if they can) and they go out into the world and start following preachers....and this is the part that makes my blood boil, you get preachers in the world today who claim to be doing God's work and in fact all they are doing is lining their own pockets....I have 7 preachers and evangelists that I follow and that I listen to and learn from and they are decent honest Christians and are honestly doing God's work although some have nothing better to do with their hands than nitpick and find fault in everything they do. But you get the fakes, you get the ones that are just in it as I said to line their own pockets and they target people and convince people to give 10% of their hard earned money to their church and then use the money to fund their private jets, fancy houses, fancy cars etc. I've even seen stories of preachers, who will do a healing service and they'll pay somebody who is perfectly healthy to come in in a wheelchair and let the so-called "preacher" pray over him and watch the guy get out of the wheelchair and walk away. And the people in the congregation don't know better so they throw money at the church.
Healing services are legit by the way, you just need to learn how to spot the real from the fake.
Now if I was in someone's position like that and got scammed and wronged in that way, I'd also be angry and I'd also turn my back on the church.
But, and I have to say this, I thank God for the grounding and foundation that I received at the school where I did Std 8 and 9 (which was pentecostal by the way), that I had it drummed into me on a regular basis who to stay away from, what to watch out for, what the signs are, what to be careful of. We were given the tools to protect ourselves, fortunately for us we were lucky enough to have that, others were not so fortunate and as a result have been harmed by scam artists and what we call false prophets, the Bible warned that they would come and guess what people...they have arrived and they didn't make a big entrance, they snuck in quietly through the back door.
Honestly, if my life had taken a different course and I hadn't had the most amazing teachers and people in my life at that time to guide me and I had ended up being the victim of a scam artist I can't honestly say I wouldn't have ended up an atheist and that's a sad and scary thought. And I am soooo grateful to God that He put the people in my life that He did to teach me the right way.
And this is what makes me soooo angry, is that the fakes out their are giving us decent, honest Christians a bad name. Not only are they dragging our name through the mud, but they are dragging Jesus' name through the mud and I take great offense to that....if you wanna drag my name through the mud go for it, but when you start harming the person who saved my life, that's a whole different ballgame.
Anyway, I'm getting off the topic now....the fakes and the false teachers and the scam artists out their are giving us a bad name and the way I see it, it's gotten to the point where, people hear the word God, Jesus, Christian, Christianity and it incites a murderous hatred for us, and what really makes my blood boil is that they are sooooo dishonest and so deceitful, they really couldn't care and that makes me sooo angry that a person can be that slimy.
I realized another thing that gives Christians a bad name is those Christians that will attempt to force the Gospel down your throat, they attempt to bring you to Christ through inciting fear (hell), some of them preach a God that is angry, unforgiving, cold, heartless...that's not the God I know (another subject for another time). They will harass you and brow beat you and put you on a spot everytime they see you. And I can't berate them for it...let me explain, right before Jesus left He left us with a job to do....He told us to go out and make disciples of all nations. And that's what those Christians are trying to do in a nutshell, so that's why I can't berate them for it, because I know that they mean well and that they mean no harm in what they are doing. But we come back to what I am always saying...there is a right way and a wrong way to do things and yet again the way they do things is the wrong way. They don't realize that what they are doing is bringing people to Christ the wrong way, these people are getting saved under duress.....they are going to resent the person, they are going to resent the church, they are going to resent's just all wrong. You can't force a person to do something they don't want to do and except them not to resent you or hate you for it, it's that simple, God is a gentlemen beyond measure and He would NEVER force Himself on anyone, so why do we think we have the right to do it? answer me that?. But they are coming from a good place and they mean well so if it happens to you just take it from where it comes and don't hurt them, just give them the courtesy of listening and maybe even pay attention and let them be on their way. They're not trying to hurt or harm you, so don't hurt them.
I learnt a simple lesson recently, a person will not commit to Jesus until they have a revelation of Him, of who He is, of the sacrifice He made for them and more importantly a revelation of His love them. That's not to say that our human minds can grasp the extent and vastness of His love for us, we can't our human minds do not have the capacity to grasp it....we can manage only a fraction of it and even that is enough to flatten us...literally. Let me explain.
I'm going to tell you a story about Staci...a quick story.
I became a Christian at 16, mostly because I believed it was expected of wasn't a waste though, I gained a large amount of knowledge and it gave me a foundation and a grounding to come back to.
I have found something to be very true through hearing people speak about it and reading things etc and I found it with me as well. People tend to project onto God the image of their earthly father, so, if your father was cold and distant etc that's how you're going to see God, if your father was loving and caring that's how you're going to see God, there's nothing with you or with that happening, it's human nature. Which is why we need to get to know Him and figure out who He is really and how He sees and feels about us.
At 16, I did exactly that and I spent the first 2 years of my Christianity, believing that I needed to prove myself to Him that I needed to fight for His approval, that I needed to work to be good enough for Him and I always felt like He wasn't there like I was the reject He had to put up with and that I would never be able to measure up to His standards.
Fast-forward 12 years, I'm 28, I'm dating an idiot still attached to the umbilical cord (mommy's boy). I'm practicing witchcraft, I'm fully into paganism and am working toward high priestess status (It's ugly I know - trust me that's the tip of the iceberg - a subject for another time however). And me and mommy's boy were driving to his house one day when he turns to me and says "my mom says you're not a god-fearing woman", I decided to make this a teaching moment and to revert to my Christian grounding and replied "I know, I don't fear those that love me", to which he replied "no, you don't understand what I'm saying" to which I asked him if he was sure he'd like to get into this argument with me, that ended the discussion. Fear has no association with love and it's a very short step from fear to hatred. I could never hate My Father, so no I am not a god-fearing woman, because I don't fear God, I love, respect, honour and worship Him...there is a difference.
But long story short, I always wondered where God was during the horrific times in my life, during the times when my ex-husband was beating me, the day I buried my son, all these things - where was He?. And it took me 16 years to figure out that He was right by my side the whole time, He had me in His arms the whole time, the problem was me, I refused to acknowledge or to turn to Him, so if I felt like He had left me and that He wasn't there I only had myself to blame. In that moment of realization I suddenly realized exactly how much He loved me, I realized the concept of "I will never leave you, nor forsake you", the realization of His love for me was so over-whelming that I curled up into the foetal position and to say the least the dam wall that had been standing for 16 years, burst and I cried for 4 hours. Now, I understand. So when I say it is capable of flattening you, I mean it literally!!
Now to end to off this blog, I want to make an appeal. I have recently come across a number of facebook pages that were aimed at the Christian community and I find atheists coming onto the pages and start attacking us and hammering us and picking fights with us and starting arguments with us. I have to ask why? what are you gaining out of this? I just do not understand it at all...why so much anger and hatred? Why do you feel so threatened by us that it sparks this aggression? you seem to protest a little bit too much about a God you say doesn't exist, to the point that you almost seem to be on a witch hunt looking for Christians to pick a fight with? and if you believe that God doesn't exist, why does it bother you so much? these pages on facebook as I see it were designed as a place for us to come and get to together and meet with other Christians and chat and just spend time together online. The last thing we want is to sit and argue with atheists who are doing nothing but trying to get a rise out of us and just plain be nasty.
And you know what this is what I want to say to you....we are all adults and are all capable of making our own choices in life and we don't need anybody's approval for the choices we make. You made a choice to be an atheist and my heart goes out to you and I'm sorry for you but that was the choice you made for yourself and I respect your right to make choices for yourself. The same as it was my choice to be a Christian and the same as I respect your choice, please offer me the same courtesy. I don't need you to approve of the choice I have made for myself nor do I care about your opinion of the choice I have made for myself.
So, feel free to come onto the Christian pages everybody is always welcome, but don't come onto the Christian pages with the intention of looking for a fight. You are more than welcome to join us there, but respect our beliefs and our choice in being Christians same as we respect yours and if you're going to come onto the pages with malicious intentions rather stay away...its not welcome.
Its just common courtesy.
Well that concludes this blog for today :)
And as always if I offended anyone....your bag of cement will be on it's way to you shortly, we don't want you to delay in getting started on that bridge.
Shalom and God Bless
Monday, December 17, 2012
Tragedy at Newtown - 14/12/2012
For those of you who don't know - the 14 December 2012 was a very dark day in America, a gunman walked into a school in New town Connecticut and opened fire, killing his own mother, the principle if I remember correctly and 28 children - the children's birth years were all in the 2000's, so the majority of them I would imagine weren't much older than 10, it broke my heart. I have a very soft spot for children and when I see
a child harmed in anyway, It was makes me sick to my stomach as well as angry
and I spent the day yesterday just in quiet reflection, very sad and I cried a
lot for those little lives.
You know at a time like this and not only this if we look around
at all the things that are going on in the world, we tend to find ourselves asking
why? Why is this happening? And especially questions like, where is God? Why is
He letting this happen? Why isn’t He protecting us? There is an explanation for
it....I think Billy Graham’s daughter said it best – we are basically getting
what we asked for.....we have taken God out of our schools, our homes, our
businesses, our lives and to a large extent we are trying to take Him out of
our countries. You’ve gotta remember God is a gentlemen, He will NEVER force
Himself on anybody ever and if we tell Him to go away and that we don’t want
Him, He will graciously honour our request and leave. But then after we’ve told
Him to leave and that we don’t want Him, how can we expect Him to protect us.
You know, we tell Him to get lost, in our words and actions and then we (I’m
talking about the human race in general), want to know where He was when such
and such happened, and why didn’t He protect us? And best of all some of us
tend to blame Him. It seems a bit silly to me....I once saw a poster on
facebook that put it quite plainly it went something like this.....Little Girl: “God, why didn’t you stop the shooting at my school?” God: “I’m not
allowed to be in schools”.
You ask why people do these things, why they snap, its a simple
answer.....satan (I will never spell the name with an uppercase “S”, it really does
not deserve that much respect). Remember, in the beginning of the Bible
when the serpent tempted eve and she disobeyed God, sin entered the world, the
reason God told her not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
is because if she ate from it she would know the difference between good and
evil, and that is exactly what happened and with people now knowing the
difference we’re capable of committing evil and sinning. And that was the
moment that evil entered the world....this is actually a whole long I’m gonna try and give you the short version. Sin and evil
have been a part of the world since that moment, and satan has free reign to
walk the earth believe it or not he is not in hell, he exists between earth and
the atmosphere and God has given him the freedom of those 2 places and to do
what he wants on earth.....HOWEVER (not a lot of people realize this) God has
the little twirp on a leash, and satan is free to do what he wants as far as
God will allow it. We are living in the last days, I don’t believe Jesus
is coming, I believe He is on His way and it will be when Jesus returns that
satan’s time will be up and he will be cast into hell....into the lake of fire.
It knows it’s time is short and is running out and while he is roaming the
earth he is going to cause as much destruction as he possibly can.....he knows
where he is headed and since his time is short he's making hay while the sun shines. Look at the world around you, atheism is on the rise, Christians
are being persecuted and killed all over the world especially in muslim
countries, human trafficking is reaching epidemic proportions, America today has aborted approximately 50 million babies and the number is climbing, people are dying of hunger all over the world, children are being abandoned all over the world, on the streets and in orphanages because some people need to be sterilized because they don't seem to understand the concept of "you made, you raise it", hurricane Sandy has hit and people have lost their lives, family members and their homes, close your eyes and imagine for moment looking at your home floating in a river - destroyed, civil war is breaking out in Syria, Barack Hussein Obama has just given 20 of the US Airforce's F16 fighter jets to the Egyptian president (who by the way is - if I remember correctly - a leader of the Muslim brotherhood which to my knowledge is a terrorist organization), why didn't Hussein Obama just hang up a banner saying "come Al Quada...hit us again...9/11 wasn't enough for us", in South Africa farmers are being brutally murdered by the thousands and not out of armed robberies, this is nothing more than a hate crime, the government of a Middle African country has adopted a scorched earth and ethnic cleansing policy and is burning down the villages of people in the mountain areas, I'm not sure if they're specifically targeting Christians but churches were targeted, do I need to give an explanation of what's currently happening to Israel?? I don't think so. If you in your spare time want to do some research on end time prophesy
everything we are seeing happening in the world today was prophesied.
And people ask why does God allow it? They think He doesn’t
care, it’s not that at all, believe me He cares, I can only imagine when the
shooting happened the amount of tears that rained down in Heaven and I can
promise you all those victims are in His loving arms right now and they are
happy right in the center of the Fathers unconditional love. But, God gave
mankind freewill, we can choose Him and REALLY live, or we can choose the world
(satan’s kingdom) which is going to die and has nothing to offer us. And if we
choose the world or satan’s kingdom, then that’s what we get with everything
that comes with it.
If we as people open the door of our minds, satan can control
our minds, it can control our thoughts, that is his playground, that is
where he toys with us, you asked how somebody can snap and go nuts like
that....that’s how. But we all have a choice in life....satan toys our
minds and twist our minds and our thoughts etc. But Christ has given us a
spirit of peace and of love and of a sound Christ satan can’t touch
us....not without God’s permission and then He keeps the leash very very short.
Remember bad things are going to happen to people in this world,
but God will always take every circumstance and bad occurrence and work it out
for good, as human beings we can’t see it, because God is so infinite and so
massive and so beyond our understanding that in the moment of something bad
happening we can’t see any good coming out of it, but we must remember that He
can see what’s coming, He can see the road ahead and He works all things for
good to those who honor and serve Him....(sometimes I wish He would accidentally pull the leash a bit too tight and strangled the turd)
This is a subject that is a very long explanation and we can go
on for ever on this subject, but I’ve just given you the broad strokes. I can
honestly tell you because I know my Father so well, that His heart was broken
when the tragedy took place and I can almost guarantee He cried that day,
because this isn’t what He wanted for us....He never ever wanted His creation
to turn out the way we have and I’m sure His heart is aching for the parent’s
of those children. All we can do is pray that they will allow Him to comfort
them and to get them through this time and to give them His strength and carry
on trusting Him as hard as it is and I know having lost a child myself it is
very damn hard to trust Him in the time of a tragedy like this.
There was once a story of a girl who professed her faith
before she was shot, if I remember correctly that happened at the Columbine
shooting. Remember us as Christians have no fear of death (not like the muslims
who kill themselves and murder people for their stupid religion), Jesus told us that
the world would hate us because they hated Him first and he warned us that
persecution would come. And we live our lives and we carry on but we will never deny Christ and
Christians are killed for that. And we know that in countries where we are
persecuted and some are worse than others, and in situations like that
shooting, we never deny Christ, but we have no fear of death. For a simple
reason.....we know what’s waiting on the other side. All dying means is that we
are gonna go to Glory a bit sooner than expected and I can tell you, that those
Christians that have passed on from natural causes or not, wouldn’t want to
come back even if they could. We long to be in the Father’s presence and the
thought of seeing Jesus face to face and being right there with Him for all
eternity, in paradise, in the center of a love that man just cannot comprehend.
No more pain, no more tears, no more sadness, no more heartache, reigning as
kings and queens with Christ, the Bible says we will have dominion over the
angels. Compare this world to a life in eternity with nothing but a perfection
and happiness and peace that your human mind can’t comprehend. You know what I dream of the day that I will get to see my Father in Heaven face to face and have Him wrap His arms around me and to hear the words "well done, my good and faithful servant" And in addition I have to
tell you, that people like that girl that are killed for their faith, they are
given the highest honor in Heaven.....the Bible says that when you walk into the
thrown room the floor is made of crystal and the souls of the martyred saints
can been seen through the crystal....the people who are killed for their faith
are gathered right into the thrown room of God and live close to Him because of
their sacrifice, they are honoured in Heaven and greatly rewarded.....
Remember something else, after Jesus returns and raptures His
church, the Bible says that God will wipe out 1/3 of the worlds population, I believe He is going to take an accounting for every aborted
baby, murdered child etc. He is going to demand an accounting and He is going
to exact His vengeance for those souls. Remember He said “Vengeance is
Mine” and the people who seemed to think that they had a right to murder unborn
babies and kill children and never repented and asked Him forgiveness, they’ll
pay for what they blood.
Now that I've preached fire and brimstone :D lol, I'm going to get off my soapbox.
My heart truly aches for those who were directly affected by the shooting and the families who lost a loved one remain in my prayers for comfort and strength.
And as always.....if I managed to offend to anyone with this post......send me your address, I'll bring you a bag of cement so you can get started on that bridge.
Shalom and God Bless you all.
Yours in Christ always
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Don't Judge Others Just Because They Sin Differently To You
I know it's been a while since I last posted....but you guys know I don't just blog for no good reason.
I have been thinking for some time about this post, mostly because I know that this is a sensitive subject at the moment and something that has been the cause of a great deal of contention. So I'm going to say upfront that I am aware that this particular post may offend some (you have been warned), but as I always say if you don't like it don't read it.
2 subjects have come up recently in South Africa and I think in a lot of ways very much relate to each other in some aspects.
First of all Lady Gaga had her first tour to South Africa and in connection the gay issue has sprung up yet again.
Let me tackle the first issue first, Lady Gaga. Let me just say right off and get it out of the way, I can't stand the woman and for a number of reasons mostly I think she's mentally disturbed and is in some desperate need of psychiatric attention (you can take that any way you like). Second of all I don't like her from a Christian perspective because I find her lyrics and videos too be blaspheming at every chance she gets and I think she does it on purpose. Another reason I don't like her is because as an animal lover she is a full supporter of the fur industry and don't get me started on the meat dress. I also don't like her because of the influence that she has on an impressionable younger generation and the things she teaches them and influences in them. She's a freak and I don't like her and yes I was one of the many people who was anything but thrilled to have her in our country.
Having said that... At the time of the announcement a certain Facebook page was gracious enough to promote my blog on their page which I am very grateful for and in return I joined their page. I quickly found out to some extent the current mentality of some Christians and I can honestly say I was shocked, disappointed and dismayed to say the least.
I saw on that page Christians who for lack of a better word were being utterly militant in their beliefs. There were times when I was waiting for them to resort to death threats on unbelievers, what I'm saying is they were acting just short of a bunch of Islamic Terrorists in their militant stance on things. You'd be shocked to know (it even shocked me) that I had more arguments on that page with Christians than with any other person, be they atheist, agnostic or whatever and I eventually stopped contributing the page and just sat back and watched in utter shock. And it started to make me question things and that is why I have been so quiet for so long. I've been thinking......
In the last few months we have seen Christians acting so badly and it horrify's me as to the bad name we are giving ourselves in our actions. Recently their was a video posted on YouTube by a group of Christians attacking Islam and in watching that video my only question was "do they not have work for their hands?" "Do they have nothing better to do with their time than to act as badly as other militant groups in the world?". There are so many things in this world that need our attention, human trafficking for one is on the rise, there are people in the world dying of hunger, there are abandoned children living on the streets, America to date has aborted 50 million babies, there are churches in the world in desperate need of bibles to distribute (I know, because a church in an african country has approached me for assistance), the world is falling apart around us with people in desperate need and apparently we have nothing better to do than make stupid movies for YouTube. Now before you get on your high horse, I am not doing what I was accused of doing on the page and that was to say that Christians should sit down, shut up and do nothing, I am not saying that at all. On the contrary, in these times we do need to stand up and open our mouths and have a voice BUT there are ways to do things, there is a right way and there is a wrong way and the way some Christians are conducting themselves would most definitely fall into the category of the WRONG way.
I believe as Christians we need to pick our battles for the simple reason that some things are way beyond our human ability to handle on our own. Some battles we need to accept that the battle belongs to the Lord and He will handle it His way, again, in these instances the battle is too big for us as human beings....and He would be the only one capable of handling the situation. Lady Gaga, coming to South Africa as annoying as her presence was, was too big for us as people to handle, our best course of action would have been to say "this is too big for me, I'm giving it to the Lord to handle" because there is a verse in Isaiah where the Lord basically says when talking about the spirit of Pride (and I think it can be referred to in the case of anything that is bigger than us) "You can't, but I can".
Things like this are going to happen all the time around us, especially in the times we live in more and more, but we need to pick our battles.....the Lord will vindicate us, in His time, when the time is right, remember His timing is perfect....He's never in a hurry but He is always on time.
So belief on the Lady Gaga, issue, we didn't manage to stop it did we? no. My personal opinion, instead of going onto the media with a militant stance and getting all worked up and starting online fights and arguments what we should have done was say 'fine she wants to have a concert in our country...ok....nothing is stopping us from doing the same thing'. Would it have really taken that much hard work to organize a Christian concert? no......we spent all those months since the announcement moaning and complaining and fighting and getting into arguments online...was it worth it? did it accomplish anything? no. And yet I kept saying to people stop moaning about it, stop fighting, stop arguing, stop getting in people's faces.....rather get off your backside and DO SOMETHING about it. Anybody can sit behind a computer and moan and complain and fight with people etc but it's a whole other thing to take some initiative and do something constructive. What we did was most definitely not what I would call constructive.
Do we remember what happened to the Israelites when all they did was moan and complain and fight and argue etc? and obedience was definitely not on their immediate list of priorities? I'll tell you...God left them to wonder in the desert for 40 years. An 11 day journey, turned into 40 years..because of moaning, complaining, bickering, fighting and disobedience......I think there may be a lesson here.
I have to add this before I continue....when the Israelites came into the promised land and they were faced with the battles of the old testament, in the beginning when they had to take on their first enemies, they approached God and asked Him "which tribe do we send first?" and God always said "Judah goes first" why? because the word Judah translates from Hebrew to English as "Praise" (any Hebrew/English experts feel free to correct me if I got that wrong - I am still very inadequate in Hebrew)...what God was saying was Praise always goes first. By extension in any time of trouble or trials Praise goes first "Judah goes first". And what happened in those times when the tribe of Judah lead the Israelites...God hand delivered their enemies to them practically on a silver platter...I think there may be a lesson there too.
I have to add this....Israel is sitting in the situation they are in today because of their disobedience to God, because they have walked away from Him, its that simple. Israel the Jews are God's chosen people, that has never changed, they are blessed that has never changed. But do yourselves a favour and sit down sometime and read the first 6 books of the bible (Genesis to Deuteronomy is what constitutes the Torah, but I've added Judges in their because it shows the same thing but more clearly) and have a look specifically at the difference between when Israel walked with God and obeyed Him and trusted Him and the times when they turned away from Him. Look at the things that happened to them in both instances and then look at what is happening to Israel today and then sit back and give it some thought as to why Israel is in the position they are currently in. I don't think I need to draw a picture.
So, as I was saying, did moaning and complaining about the situation get us anywhere? no. Did we do anything constructive about the situation? no.
Was the situation resolved for us? no.
Some food for thought I think.
This brings me to the gay issue.
I read a blog post that I was lead to through a link on the internet recently and I have to be honest in reading his post I really wanted to comment on it with a sincere apology on behalf of all Christians. He mentioned being in public with his partner and being verbally abused by heterosexual people, he spoke about at times being physically and verbally harassed and ridiculed and publicly humiliated by those professing to be Christians. Ask yourselves an honest question, how do we as Christians treat the gay people in our society today? I think it would be quite fitting to say with nothing less than hostility.
Again don't get me wrong, I do not in any way condone, approve of, or accept the gay lifestyle - in fact the Bible calls the gay lifestyle an abomination - its that simple. But at the same time I would never as a Christian abuse them in any way. For one simple reason...actually no...2 simple reasons....Jesus would not have treated them with anything but absolute love and kindness and second gay or not they are still God's creation and as children of God I believe it is expected of us to treat all of His creation with respect and kindness for the simple fact as I said that they are still His creation, no matter what they do extension no matter what ANYBODY does wrong. We as Christians seem to forget one simple truth...who were the people that Jesus dealt with? I'll tell you, prostitutes, tax collectors (Mathew was a tax collector), thieves, adulterers, the lowest of the low of society, those were the people Jesus headed for first. Do we remember the woman at the well, she had had 5 sexual partners by the time she ran into Jesus at the well the last one she was living with and not even married to....did He condemn her? no, did he verbally assault or abuse her in any way? no. He forgave her, blessed her and told her to go and sin no more. Do we remember the woman who had committed adultery and the pharisees were about to stone to her? what did Jesus do when he came upon the scene? (the way this was depicted in The Passion of the Christ just blew my mind, it was beautiful), He drew a line in the sand between him and her and the Pharisees, took her by the hand, helped her up, turned to the Pharisees and said "He who is without sin, throw the first stone"....the Pharisees dropped the stones and walked away (not too happy about it I might add). He turned to the woman, forgave her, blessed her and told her to go and sin no more. Now a story from our current time...Angus Buchan told this story in his book "The Mighty Men Journey" a gay man came to the conference one year and during a break the man ran up to Angus in desperation and told him he didn't want to be gay anymore and he wanted help. Angus stopped and spoke to the man a while, prayed for him and the man stayed at the conference for the duration of the weekend. A few weeks later Angus got an email from the man, thanking him, he had given his life to the Lord and was now in a happy relationship with a woman. My point is, did Angus attack the man for being gay? no, did he ask him to leave or have him removed? no. He treated the man with kindness, love, respect and dignity.
Do we remember Zaccheus? he saw the crowd coming following Jesus and he climbed into the nearest fig tree because of his extremely short stature and shouted to Jesus, Jesus stopped and called him down and told him "I must stay at your house tonight". Zaccheus was a tax collector if memory serves, and for those of you who don't know in those days tax collectors were despised and more times than not were crooks....hmmmmmm sounds like 2012 too.....hehehehehe.
The point is Jesus dealt with the lowest of society, the lowest of the low, the dregs of society....these people were His focus, society had thrown them away but Jesus loved them and accepted them and redeemed them unconditionally. What I''m getting at here is we have Christians in this world who seem to think that because they're Christians they seem to be morally superior to others, they seem to think they have a right to sit in judgement of others. Yes, the people you're judging may very well be doing things wrong, but while you were out judging others some skeletons fell out of your closet. We have churches out there, who will look at a single mother and completely reject her and tell her God can't love her because she's divorced or because she's had a child out of wedlock. Who are you to tell someone for whatever reason that God can't love them? There are churches which if a person of colour has to come to the church seem to think they have a right to decide that they'll tolerate them if they have to. Since when was blatant racism acceptable within the body of Christ? And since when did you get the right to dictate who may or may not come to your church? Do you seem to think God is working for you? that you make the decisions, that you tell God what to do? that you have a right to dictate to people who God can and can't love, or who can and can't come to church? Do you think God is meant to obey you? a spirit of pride is an ugly thing and please remember God resists the proud. Or are you wise enough to realize that you work for Him, He makes the decisions, He makes the rules, you obey Him. Or at least that's how I was taught.....
Since when do you approach a church for a donation and the church expects you to pay for it? Or you donate clothes to a church for the poor and the church members go through the donation first to see what they like to take for themselves and give the rest to the poor that it was originally intended for? I'm not gonna mention names that would be tacky, suffice it to say, that will be the last time that church will get anything from me.....ever.
We need to remember something as Christians, we may have eternal life, we may have salvation, but we will still be judged and we will still have to give an account of our lives and we will still have to answer for our lives and our actions. Quite frankly when I get to Heaven one day I'd much rather hear the words "well done my good and faithful servant" than have Jesus standing in front of me holding my broken, bleeding, unborn infant asking "which part of Thou Shalt NOT Kill, did you not understand?", or have to explain, why I chased a black man out of the church because of his skin colour, because I decided he wasn't welcome there because he didn't match the skin colour of the rest of the congregation. Or have to explain why I publicly humiliated a lesbian because I thought being a Christian made me some how better than her and gave me a right. Or have to explain why I felt I had a right to sit in judgement of a single mother who was brave enough to bring herself and her children to church. Jesus said "come to Me ALL who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest", he didn't say, only people of colour, or only straight people, or only women, or only men, or only homosexuals, or whatever, He said ALL.
We are meant to be beacons of light in a dark world, we are meant to be His representatives on earth, we are meant to be God's hands and feet on earth, we are meant to walk in love towards ALL mankind, we are meant to have people be able to see Jesus in us. But most importantly something a friend said to me recently.....WE ARE the Bible people are reading.
We need to think about this, the next time we feel morally superior enough to sit in judgement of someone else, or we feel the need to ridicule and bad mouth someone, or we feel the need to reject someone based on who they are or their circumstances, or the next time we feel the need to make someone feel unwelcome in our church because they don't fit our mould or our standard, or feel the right to reject and turn our backs on people because they're not Christians and we feel are morally inferior to us. Let me tell you something friend....there is enough wrong with you at this present moment to fill a book, you may not even know the half of it, but I can guarantee you God knows it you have no place or right to judge anybody. We are all saved by Grace if it wasn't for God's Grace and Mercy, I don't even want to imagine where you would be today. So instead of sitting in judgement and ridicule of everybody else, go and look in a mirror and deal with your shortcomings first before you point fingers at other people.
"Remove the plank from your own eye before you remove the pebble from your brother's".
Ok, I'm done and now I'm getting off my soapbox for the night.
If I happened to offend anybody - build a bridge and get over it.
Goodnight, God Bless and Shalom
I have been thinking for some time about this post, mostly because I know that this is a sensitive subject at the moment and something that has been the cause of a great deal of contention. So I'm going to say upfront that I am aware that this particular post may offend some (you have been warned), but as I always say if you don't like it don't read it.
2 subjects have come up recently in South Africa and I think in a lot of ways very much relate to each other in some aspects.
First of all Lady Gaga had her first tour to South Africa and in connection the gay issue has sprung up yet again.
Let me tackle the first issue first, Lady Gaga. Let me just say right off and get it out of the way, I can't stand the woman and for a number of reasons mostly I think she's mentally disturbed and is in some desperate need of psychiatric attention (you can take that any way you like). Second of all I don't like her from a Christian perspective because I find her lyrics and videos too be blaspheming at every chance she gets and I think she does it on purpose. Another reason I don't like her is because as an animal lover she is a full supporter of the fur industry and don't get me started on the meat dress. I also don't like her because of the influence that she has on an impressionable younger generation and the things she teaches them and influences in them. She's a freak and I don't like her and yes I was one of the many people who was anything but thrilled to have her in our country.
Having said that... At the time of the announcement a certain Facebook page was gracious enough to promote my blog on their page which I am very grateful for and in return I joined their page. I quickly found out to some extent the current mentality of some Christians and I can honestly say I was shocked, disappointed and dismayed to say the least.
I saw on that page Christians who for lack of a better word were being utterly militant in their beliefs. There were times when I was waiting for them to resort to death threats on unbelievers, what I'm saying is they were acting just short of a bunch of Islamic Terrorists in their militant stance on things. You'd be shocked to know (it even shocked me) that I had more arguments on that page with Christians than with any other person, be they atheist, agnostic or whatever and I eventually stopped contributing the page and just sat back and watched in utter shock. And it started to make me question things and that is why I have been so quiet for so long. I've been thinking......
In the last few months we have seen Christians acting so badly and it horrify's me as to the bad name we are giving ourselves in our actions. Recently their was a video posted on YouTube by a group of Christians attacking Islam and in watching that video my only question was "do they not have work for their hands?" "Do they have nothing better to do with their time than to act as badly as other militant groups in the world?". There are so many things in this world that need our attention, human trafficking for one is on the rise, there are people in the world dying of hunger, there are abandoned children living on the streets, America to date has aborted 50 million babies, there are churches in the world in desperate need of bibles to distribute (I know, because a church in an african country has approached me for assistance), the world is falling apart around us with people in desperate need and apparently we have nothing better to do than make stupid movies for YouTube. Now before you get on your high horse, I am not doing what I was accused of doing on the page and that was to say that Christians should sit down, shut up and do nothing, I am not saying that at all. On the contrary, in these times we do need to stand up and open our mouths and have a voice BUT there are ways to do things, there is a right way and there is a wrong way and the way some Christians are conducting themselves would most definitely fall into the category of the WRONG way.
I believe as Christians we need to pick our battles for the simple reason that some things are way beyond our human ability to handle on our own. Some battles we need to accept that the battle belongs to the Lord and He will handle it His way, again, in these instances the battle is too big for us as human beings....and He would be the only one capable of handling the situation. Lady Gaga, coming to South Africa as annoying as her presence was, was too big for us as people to handle, our best course of action would have been to say "this is too big for me, I'm giving it to the Lord to handle" because there is a verse in Isaiah where the Lord basically says when talking about the spirit of Pride (and I think it can be referred to in the case of anything that is bigger than us) "You can't, but I can".
Things like this are going to happen all the time around us, especially in the times we live in more and more, but we need to pick our battles.....the Lord will vindicate us, in His time, when the time is right, remember His timing is perfect....He's never in a hurry but He is always on time.
So belief on the Lady Gaga, issue, we didn't manage to stop it did we? no. My personal opinion, instead of going onto the media with a militant stance and getting all worked up and starting online fights and arguments what we should have done was say 'fine she wants to have a concert in our country...ok....nothing is stopping us from doing the same thing'. Would it have really taken that much hard work to organize a Christian concert? no......we spent all those months since the announcement moaning and complaining and fighting and getting into arguments online...was it worth it? did it accomplish anything? no. And yet I kept saying to people stop moaning about it, stop fighting, stop arguing, stop getting in people's faces.....rather get off your backside and DO SOMETHING about it. Anybody can sit behind a computer and moan and complain and fight with people etc but it's a whole other thing to take some initiative and do something constructive. What we did was most definitely not what I would call constructive.
Do we remember what happened to the Israelites when all they did was moan and complain and fight and argue etc? and obedience was definitely not on their immediate list of priorities? I'll tell you...God left them to wonder in the desert for 40 years. An 11 day journey, turned into 40 years..because of moaning, complaining, bickering, fighting and disobedience......I think there may be a lesson here.
I have to add this before I continue....when the Israelites came into the promised land and they were faced with the battles of the old testament, in the beginning when they had to take on their first enemies, they approached God and asked Him "which tribe do we send first?" and God always said "Judah goes first" why? because the word Judah translates from Hebrew to English as "Praise" (any Hebrew/English experts feel free to correct me if I got that wrong - I am still very inadequate in Hebrew)...what God was saying was Praise always goes first. By extension in any time of trouble or trials Praise goes first "Judah goes first". And what happened in those times when the tribe of Judah lead the Israelites...God hand delivered their enemies to them practically on a silver platter...I think there may be a lesson there too.
I have to add this....Israel is sitting in the situation they are in today because of their disobedience to God, because they have walked away from Him, its that simple. Israel the Jews are God's chosen people, that has never changed, they are blessed that has never changed. But do yourselves a favour and sit down sometime and read the first 6 books of the bible (Genesis to Deuteronomy is what constitutes the Torah, but I've added Judges in their because it shows the same thing but more clearly) and have a look specifically at the difference between when Israel walked with God and obeyed Him and trusted Him and the times when they turned away from Him. Look at the things that happened to them in both instances and then look at what is happening to Israel today and then sit back and give it some thought as to why Israel is in the position they are currently in. I don't think I need to draw a picture.
So, as I was saying, did moaning and complaining about the situation get us anywhere? no. Did we do anything constructive about the situation? no.
Was the situation resolved for us? no.
Some food for thought I think.
This brings me to the gay issue.
I read a blog post that I was lead to through a link on the internet recently and I have to be honest in reading his post I really wanted to comment on it with a sincere apology on behalf of all Christians. He mentioned being in public with his partner and being verbally abused by heterosexual people, he spoke about at times being physically and verbally harassed and ridiculed and publicly humiliated by those professing to be Christians. Ask yourselves an honest question, how do we as Christians treat the gay people in our society today? I think it would be quite fitting to say with nothing less than hostility.
Again don't get me wrong, I do not in any way condone, approve of, or accept the gay lifestyle - in fact the Bible calls the gay lifestyle an abomination - its that simple. But at the same time I would never as a Christian abuse them in any way. For one simple reason...actually no...2 simple reasons....Jesus would not have treated them with anything but absolute love and kindness and second gay or not they are still God's creation and as children of God I believe it is expected of us to treat all of His creation with respect and kindness for the simple fact as I said that they are still His creation, no matter what they do extension no matter what ANYBODY does wrong. We as Christians seem to forget one simple truth...who were the people that Jesus dealt with? I'll tell you, prostitutes, tax collectors (Mathew was a tax collector), thieves, adulterers, the lowest of the low of society, those were the people Jesus headed for first. Do we remember the woman at the well, she had had 5 sexual partners by the time she ran into Jesus at the well the last one she was living with and not even married to....did He condemn her? no, did he verbally assault or abuse her in any way? no. He forgave her, blessed her and told her to go and sin no more. Do we remember the woman who had committed adultery and the pharisees were about to stone to her? what did Jesus do when he came upon the scene? (the way this was depicted in The Passion of the Christ just blew my mind, it was beautiful), He drew a line in the sand between him and her and the Pharisees, took her by the hand, helped her up, turned to the Pharisees and said "He who is without sin, throw the first stone"....the Pharisees dropped the stones and walked away (not too happy about it I might add). He turned to the woman, forgave her, blessed her and told her to go and sin no more. Now a story from our current time...Angus Buchan told this story in his book "The Mighty Men Journey" a gay man came to the conference one year and during a break the man ran up to Angus in desperation and told him he didn't want to be gay anymore and he wanted help. Angus stopped and spoke to the man a while, prayed for him and the man stayed at the conference for the duration of the weekend. A few weeks later Angus got an email from the man, thanking him, he had given his life to the Lord and was now in a happy relationship with a woman. My point is, did Angus attack the man for being gay? no, did he ask him to leave or have him removed? no. He treated the man with kindness, love, respect and dignity.
Do we remember Zaccheus? he saw the crowd coming following Jesus and he climbed into the nearest fig tree because of his extremely short stature and shouted to Jesus, Jesus stopped and called him down and told him "I must stay at your house tonight". Zaccheus was a tax collector if memory serves, and for those of you who don't know in those days tax collectors were despised and more times than not were crooks....hmmmmmm sounds like 2012 too.....hehehehehe.
The point is Jesus dealt with the lowest of society, the lowest of the low, the dregs of society....these people were His focus, society had thrown them away but Jesus loved them and accepted them and redeemed them unconditionally. What I''m getting at here is we have Christians in this world who seem to think that because they're Christians they seem to be morally superior to others, they seem to think they have a right to sit in judgement of others. Yes, the people you're judging may very well be doing things wrong, but while you were out judging others some skeletons fell out of your closet. We have churches out there, who will look at a single mother and completely reject her and tell her God can't love her because she's divorced or because she's had a child out of wedlock. Who are you to tell someone for whatever reason that God can't love them? There are churches which if a person of colour has to come to the church seem to think they have a right to decide that they'll tolerate them if they have to. Since when was blatant racism acceptable within the body of Christ? And since when did you get the right to dictate who may or may not come to your church? Do you seem to think God is working for you? that you make the decisions, that you tell God what to do? that you have a right to dictate to people who God can and can't love, or who can and can't come to church? Do you think God is meant to obey you? a spirit of pride is an ugly thing and please remember God resists the proud. Or are you wise enough to realize that you work for Him, He makes the decisions, He makes the rules, you obey Him. Or at least that's how I was taught.....
Since when do you approach a church for a donation and the church expects you to pay for it? Or you donate clothes to a church for the poor and the church members go through the donation first to see what they like to take for themselves and give the rest to the poor that it was originally intended for? I'm not gonna mention names that would be tacky, suffice it to say, that will be the last time that church will get anything from me.....ever.
We need to remember something as Christians, we may have eternal life, we may have salvation, but we will still be judged and we will still have to give an account of our lives and we will still have to answer for our lives and our actions. Quite frankly when I get to Heaven one day I'd much rather hear the words "well done my good and faithful servant" than have Jesus standing in front of me holding my broken, bleeding, unborn infant asking "which part of Thou Shalt NOT Kill, did you not understand?", or have to explain, why I chased a black man out of the church because of his skin colour, because I decided he wasn't welcome there because he didn't match the skin colour of the rest of the congregation. Or have to explain why I publicly humiliated a lesbian because I thought being a Christian made me some how better than her and gave me a right. Or have to explain why I felt I had a right to sit in judgement of a single mother who was brave enough to bring herself and her children to church. Jesus said "come to Me ALL who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest", he didn't say, only people of colour, or only straight people, or only women, or only men, or only homosexuals, or whatever, He said ALL.
We are meant to be beacons of light in a dark world, we are meant to be His representatives on earth, we are meant to be God's hands and feet on earth, we are meant to walk in love towards ALL mankind, we are meant to have people be able to see Jesus in us. But most importantly something a friend said to me recently.....WE ARE the Bible people are reading.
We need to think about this, the next time we feel morally superior enough to sit in judgement of someone else, or we feel the need to ridicule and bad mouth someone, or we feel the need to reject someone based on who they are or their circumstances, or the next time we feel the need to make someone feel unwelcome in our church because they don't fit our mould or our standard, or feel the right to reject and turn our backs on people because they're not Christians and we feel are morally inferior to us. Let me tell you something friend....there is enough wrong with you at this present moment to fill a book, you may not even know the half of it, but I can guarantee you God knows it you have no place or right to judge anybody. We are all saved by Grace if it wasn't for God's Grace and Mercy, I don't even want to imagine where you would be today. So instead of sitting in judgement and ridicule of everybody else, go and look in a mirror and deal with your shortcomings first before you point fingers at other people.
"Remove the plank from your own eye before you remove the pebble from your brother's".
Ok, I'm done and now I'm getting off my soapbox for the night.
If I happened to offend anybody - build a bridge and get over it.
Goodnight, God Bless and Shalom
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Bravo America......You are officially a disgrace.
What a sad day for the US, what a sad day for the World.
Yesterday the Americans signed away their own freedom, their freedom of speech,
their gun rights and they betrayed their founding fathers.
This is going to cost Americans dearly as this is the end
of the US as we knew it.
But even more than that, Americans also gave their
approval for WW3, which will cost the World.
To give an arrogant man a vote of confidence, as just
happened in the US, is fatal to say the least.
Obama is destructive by nature. One cannot begin to
describe how the Americans disappointed the world and themselves. Who would
ever have believed the US people have become spineless, gutless appeasers.
Obama now has a blank cheque to drain the US economy,
plunge it further into debt, destroy the economy and go ahead with his
instructions to start WW3, all because he failed to do so in his 1st term.
Islam has won.
If your father is a doctor, what does it make you? It
certainly has no value bragging about your father being a doctor if you are a
hobo. The same with the US where Americans always brag about the wonderful work
of their founding fathers and their once great Constitution. Yesterday they
wiped all of that off the table.
There is no sense in bragging about having been a
multimillionaire if you are now a hobo, because hobos walk the street, bragging
that it all once belonged to them. This is also now the destiny of the USA, the
people of the once great America. Global economic collapse took a step forward
and WW3 is now a certainty beyond any doubt.
This is the beginning of a new world,I truly feel for the
younger generations, because they do not realise what is heading their way.
Sadly the blindness is incurable, because their introspective selfish exclusive
idealism is preventing them from seeing the bigger picture.
Well done America......You are officially a disgrace.....
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Christianity in the Last Days
I was going to only post a new blog post tomorrow, but I feel lead to do it now. As you know I only blog when I run into what I believe to be a relevant topic.
The topic today is on Christianity in the Last Days specifically round about now - 2012.
This blog may be a two-part, but we'll see how it goes, I'm not sure yet.
I've encountered recently a dilemma just in life in general regarding how us as Christians fit into the world. We live in this world, yet we are not of this world. Most Born Again Christians would understand the meaning of that. Let me try and explain it for those who are not Believers. The physical world is satan's kingdom (you will always notice I never spell his name with a capital letter.....I never give things beneath me more glory than they deserve, which in his case would amount to nothing). These are things like, clubs, alcohol, drugs, porn, bad language, I could go on and on but I'm sure we get the picture....the things of the physical world. When we become Born Again and give our lives to Christ, we now live in the Spirit and we turn from the things of the world, they matter no more to us, they have no appeal to us. Because the world can offer us nothing, what Jesus offers is eternal and when considering what you would want more, there is no contest, for me Jesus wins every time purely because as I said the world has nothing to offer me that I want, but Jesus offers everything I want and need. So when you become a Christian, you die to yourself, you turn from the things of the world and of the flesh and you walk in the Spirit. Which is why we say we live in this world but we are not of this world. May be a little bit much for non-believers to wrap their head around, but give it some thought.......Please!! please!! don't take me wrong I am not in ANYWAY knocking non-believers, it's just that I understand that they can't be expected to understand the things of God and of the Spirit and of Heaven the way Christians do having not been given the understanding of these things the way Christians have.
As a quick note....I NEVER knock or judge anybody in my blog for any reason whatsoever. I neither have the right nor the authority to do so, so it will never happen.
Now I'm gonna give you 2 things to think about..... for most Christians this would be a reminder of what they already know.
The Bible says do not be unequally yoked.....this means do not mix or be involved with or even in a relationship of any kind with a non-believer. In the Bible times loads of goods, or people or whatever were drawn by ox-drawn vehicles or carriages. The 2 oxen that were drawing the vehicle were connect side by side to each other by a solid metal bar which was connected to a harness around the animal and was there to keep them side by side, the bar was called a yoke. Now ask yourself this, what would have happened if the one of the oxen was strong and fit and muscular and could draw the vehicle with ease due its sheer strength, the other was weak, frail and just generally not quite as strong.....I'll tell resulted most of the time in bad consequences. Over-turned vehicles, and other accidents - these oxen were unequally yoked. Now what would be the result of both oxen being of the same fitness level, the same size, the same strength etc? I'll tell you....perfect harmony and the vehicle could be drawn safely and without incident - these oxen were equally yoked.
Another analogy....most Christians I assume have heard of the chair example. For those of you who haven't I'll explain. One person stands on a chair, the other on the floor in front of the chair. The person on the chair represents a Christian, the person on the floor represents a non-believer. (This is not indicative of Christians being better, or "higher up" than anybody). Now the person on the chair will attempt to the pull the person on the floor up onto the chair with them - how easy do you find this? then the person on the floor will attempt to pull the person on the chair down onto the ground.......which one is easier? Yes, it is easier to pull someone down than to pull someone up.
Which brings me to the dilemma I have come to think about recently.....and I will admit I have yet to reach an answer, this is a question I am still grappling with and I have come to the conclusion of a few scenarios so please feel free to educate me if you so wish.
A few months ago I met a woman who claims to be a Christian and very devout in her religion to the point that when we were visiting there and she popped in by us, she decided to be extremely rude and got up and left due to the fact that some of us were having a beer. She felt that we were drinking and she could not condone that behavior and would rather not be around us. I found that to be very snobbish and trying to prove that she was morally superior to the rest of us. And needless to say I was highly offended by her actions and found her to be extremely rude in her behavior. What she came across as saying in her actions was that we were beneath her and she did not want to associate with us. We were not having a massive drunken riot, we were sitting around having a pleasant conversation and some of us were drinking a beer. Apparently as I said this was offensive to her and she made an excuse and left.
This made me think of something that I read a few months ago, about a company director who would never socialize with the other people in the office after work in the company bar room on a Friday as some companies do. He was a Born Again Christian and would go straight home, because he didn't drink he did not want to be in a bar and be associated with that lifestyle. Understandable, but also shortsighted. What he didn't realize was that his employees saw him as a snob, in their minds he believed himself to be too good to socialize with them, that he felt he was morally superior to them and they saw him as arrogant and self-righteous. News of this belief among his staff got back to him and no, he didn't get angry, it did make him examine himself. And he realized that Christians are meant to be as wise as serpents and yet as humble and doves. And he realized that inspite of the fact that he was a Christian, that was no reason for him to not socialize with the rest of the people in the company....and to spend time with them and enjoy an early Friday afternoon off. So he made a decision that every Friday he would join the rest of the employees in the company bar after work, he realized that this didn't mean he had to drink, but it didn't stop him being there and being apart of things. So he made his decision and on a Friday afternoon when the company closed early he would spend time in the pub with his employees and enjoying have a relaxing end of another week time with them. He only ordered himself cokes while he was there and he never drank and he was never expected to and the employees also realized that they had read him wrong and that he wasn't as arrogant or self-righteous as they had originally thought. And they realized that he was approachable and actually a really nice person.
Now which of these 2 people do you think was wrong in their actions? my answer would be the first. My answer would be that the lady in the first story was an exact example of the pharisees of Jesus' time and the second more what Jesus expects of us or can I say the way Christians are meant to act.
The pharisees of Jesus day would stone a woman to death for committing adultery, Jesus took that same woman by the hand, helped her up and challenged the pharisees that of those of them who had no sin to throw the first stone. After the pharisees had lost that battle, he turned to the woman, blessed her and told her to "go and sin no more" that same woman followed Jesus right to the foot of the cross.
Can we see the difference?
The woman in the first story represents a religious, doctrinated, regimented, legalistic mind governed by the law and as we learnt in earlier posts the law condemns.
The man in the second story represents Jesus' nature, Jesus' came to save and forgive not to condemn.
Do we see the difference?
Jesus, healed, saved and worked with prostitutes, gamblers, alcoholics, the lowest of the low that society had thrown away, he never turned one of them away, everybody was given a chance and loved unconditionally with unending and unbreakable love, he opened His arms wide to welcome them.
Somebody said something to me on Saturday which has stuck in my mind and has made me think - if u can allow another person to corrupt your faith, how strong was your faith to begin with? Something to think about.
As I teenager I touched the world once too often a little bit too much and I ended up being sucked into it and walking away from my faith and I will admit, I allowed other people to corrupt my faith, which I will also admit was not very strong at the time.
But I have come to a believe and a view on the subject and it is this....also taken from my own experience. We get Christians in the world who have given other Christians a bad rep, mostly through their actions and the way they handle things and the way they conduct themselves. First of all you get these street corner preachers, that shout and scream scripture at people and warn them to repent of their sins etc I'm sure we've all seen them and if not we know they exist. I was reading something where the person was talking about these street corner preachers and he said "they will get the exact amount of attention that they deserve" and I wholeheartedly agree with that. Did we see anywhere in the Bible that Jesus went and stood on a street corner and started shouting and screaming at people and acting like a madman? No. He went onto mountain tops, into synagogues and taught peacefully and quietly to all who wanted to hear his teachings.
If God is building us up and teaching us be like Christ, what in our right mind would make us think that God would want us to go and stand on a street corner and act like a madman and scream and shout at people? as Christians we are taught to me be humble, where is the humility in that?
Then we come to my experience and this has shaped my believe in how to bring people to Christ. I went to a private Christian school and this was the place where I was first introduced to my Lord and Saviour. I was christened and raised in the Methodist Church etc as is expected, but I never knew what true Christianity was until I went to that school. However, being in that school I got the sense that I was obligated to give my life to Christ, they would use the concept of going to hell if you are not Born Again (which is true) to convince the children to come to Christ. Please don't get me wrong, I don't believe that they used this tactic on purpose or was one of those Christian institutions that attempts to control by fear, Jesus' doesn't do fear, "He has given us a spirit of peace and love and of a sound mind", so I don't think it was intentional. But I came to Christ for the wrong reasons at that time, I did it out of a fear of going to hell and needless to say my faith at that time didn't last long. I always felt, not good enough for Jesus, like I had to constantly prove myself to be good enough for Him, I always felt insecure, I questioned His love, I questioned whether I was really saved, I doubted myself a lot. And it didn't work, it made me weak as a Christian and it made me an easy target to be lured back into the world system. I didn't just backslide, I did a complete face plant in spectacular fashion.
I came back to Christ in April of this year and this time, I did it because I wanted was my own personal decision that I wanted to follow Jesus, I wanted to be where ever He is and that I wanted to be tethered to my Saviour until the end of time. I discovered a love for Him I had never known before and I came to Him out of my own free will. And that I believe is what should happen, giving your life to Christ should be a personal decision, one that is made out of a person's own free will because it is what they want not for any other reason. Because doing it for any other reason you are going to fail.
And I have gotten sidetracked...I get Christians who impose their beliefs on others, who hammer people with it and they do it at the worst times and I tend to believe that doing this makes people resent and oppose Christians and Christianity even more. They see a Christian coming and think "here comes another sermon, let me run so long". No, I believe that Jesus commissioned us to preach the gospel to every nation, tribe and tongue, but I was also taught by a missionary friend years and years ago that we need to earn the right to share the gospel with the people in our lives. If you've just met a new friend, or a new group of friends and say you get invited to braai for example and you arrive at the braai and they're all drinking etc and you either start a sermon on the sin of drinking and giving them a speech and lecturing them. Or you say to them "sorry, you drink, I can't be associated with you" and you leave, first of all that's rude and it's bad manners and it's arrogant and it's snobbish and it's giving the impression that you think you're morally superior. And I guarantee you, that will be the last time you ever see or speak to that person/people again.
No, we are called to be ambassadors for Christ and in a dark world we are meant to be beacons of light in that dark world. Something or someone that people can grab onto for help in times of need and to find a safe place and when they need to be shown the right way. And I also believe that the best way that we can represent Christ without bombarding people with scripture and hammering people with it, is to live Christianity 24/7/365 and not drag our Lord's name through the mud. Actions speak louder than words, let the fruit of the spirit manifest in you and live it for all the world to see. Let people see Jesus in us and let them be lead to the their own will that way.
Tall, short, thin, fat, ugly, pretty, semi-ugly, semi-pretty, mentally unbalanced, sick, broken, shattered, prostitutes, drug users, drug dealers, pimps, murderers, liars, thieves, adulterers, nobody is exempt Jesus will accept them all and in following Jesus we are expected to do the same. I'm not saying accept or condone their sin, we hate the sin, but we love the person, because the person is God's perfect creation, we are created in His image and that is why we love them, but we don't love the sin.
I have plenty awesome friends in my life who are not Christians at all by any means, but they also know that I am a Christian and my faith is unshakeable and it is a part of what make me, me. And they know if my being Christian is not something they can accept about me then, unfortunately as unwanted and as sad as it is they're welcome to say goodbye. But they know that I will not compromise my beliefs or my faith for anything in this world. They also know that I will never impose or bombard or hammer them with my beliefs or lecture them etc because I believe that this is not something God would do, He is a gentlemen and He will NEVER force Himself on you, so if He wouldn't do it, what give us the right to think we can do what He would never do to us. God, can right this moment, raise His right hand and put mankind on their knees and make them bow to Him, but He doesn't want to do that, and believe me we don't want that. And that would make Him nothing more than a tyrant and a monster which is the exact opposite to what He is, He is a loving, forgiving, gracious, merciful, kind Father to His children. That's why he gave us free will, so we can be able to think for ourselves and choose freely to follow Him and know that should we choose to do that, He will always be there waiting for us.
That's why my belief is, don't turn your back on the world or people who are non believers or refuse to associate with them, we are all people, we are all sinners and we as Christians are called to be the light of the world and to be ambassadors for Christ and live Christianity.
If you take nothing else from this tonight at least take this.....your actions speak louder than your words, and if you are without sin go ahead and throw the first stone.
Night everyone
Till next time
God Bless
The topic today is on Christianity in the Last Days specifically round about now - 2012.
This blog may be a two-part, but we'll see how it goes, I'm not sure yet.
I've encountered recently a dilemma just in life in general regarding how us as Christians fit into the world. We live in this world, yet we are not of this world. Most Born Again Christians would understand the meaning of that. Let me try and explain it for those who are not Believers. The physical world is satan's kingdom (you will always notice I never spell his name with a capital letter.....I never give things beneath me more glory than they deserve, which in his case would amount to nothing). These are things like, clubs, alcohol, drugs, porn, bad language, I could go on and on but I'm sure we get the picture....the things of the physical world. When we become Born Again and give our lives to Christ, we now live in the Spirit and we turn from the things of the world, they matter no more to us, they have no appeal to us. Because the world can offer us nothing, what Jesus offers is eternal and when considering what you would want more, there is no contest, for me Jesus wins every time purely because as I said the world has nothing to offer me that I want, but Jesus offers everything I want and need. So when you become a Christian, you die to yourself, you turn from the things of the world and of the flesh and you walk in the Spirit. Which is why we say we live in this world but we are not of this world. May be a little bit much for non-believers to wrap their head around, but give it some thought.......Please!! please!! don't take me wrong I am not in ANYWAY knocking non-believers, it's just that I understand that they can't be expected to understand the things of God and of the Spirit and of Heaven the way Christians do having not been given the understanding of these things the way Christians have.
As a quick note....I NEVER knock or judge anybody in my blog for any reason whatsoever. I neither have the right nor the authority to do so, so it will never happen.
Now I'm gonna give you 2 things to think about..... for most Christians this would be a reminder of what they already know.
The Bible says do not be unequally yoked.....this means do not mix or be involved with or even in a relationship of any kind with a non-believer. In the Bible times loads of goods, or people or whatever were drawn by ox-drawn vehicles or carriages. The 2 oxen that were drawing the vehicle were connect side by side to each other by a solid metal bar which was connected to a harness around the animal and was there to keep them side by side, the bar was called a yoke. Now ask yourself this, what would have happened if the one of the oxen was strong and fit and muscular and could draw the vehicle with ease due its sheer strength, the other was weak, frail and just generally not quite as strong.....I'll tell resulted most of the time in bad consequences. Over-turned vehicles, and other accidents - these oxen were unequally yoked. Now what would be the result of both oxen being of the same fitness level, the same size, the same strength etc? I'll tell you....perfect harmony and the vehicle could be drawn safely and without incident - these oxen were equally yoked.
Another analogy....most Christians I assume have heard of the chair example. For those of you who haven't I'll explain. One person stands on a chair, the other on the floor in front of the chair. The person on the chair represents a Christian, the person on the floor represents a non-believer. (This is not indicative of Christians being better, or "higher up" than anybody). Now the person on the chair will attempt to the pull the person on the floor up onto the chair with them - how easy do you find this? then the person on the floor will attempt to pull the person on the chair down onto the ground.......which one is easier? Yes, it is easier to pull someone down than to pull someone up.
Which brings me to the dilemma I have come to think about recently.....and I will admit I have yet to reach an answer, this is a question I am still grappling with and I have come to the conclusion of a few scenarios so please feel free to educate me if you so wish.
A few months ago I met a woman who claims to be a Christian and very devout in her religion to the point that when we were visiting there and she popped in by us, she decided to be extremely rude and got up and left due to the fact that some of us were having a beer. She felt that we were drinking and she could not condone that behavior and would rather not be around us. I found that to be very snobbish and trying to prove that she was morally superior to the rest of us. And needless to say I was highly offended by her actions and found her to be extremely rude in her behavior. What she came across as saying in her actions was that we were beneath her and she did not want to associate with us. We were not having a massive drunken riot, we were sitting around having a pleasant conversation and some of us were drinking a beer. Apparently as I said this was offensive to her and she made an excuse and left.
This made me think of something that I read a few months ago, about a company director who would never socialize with the other people in the office after work in the company bar room on a Friday as some companies do. He was a Born Again Christian and would go straight home, because he didn't drink he did not want to be in a bar and be associated with that lifestyle. Understandable, but also shortsighted. What he didn't realize was that his employees saw him as a snob, in their minds he believed himself to be too good to socialize with them, that he felt he was morally superior to them and they saw him as arrogant and self-righteous. News of this belief among his staff got back to him and no, he didn't get angry, it did make him examine himself. And he realized that Christians are meant to be as wise as serpents and yet as humble and doves. And he realized that inspite of the fact that he was a Christian, that was no reason for him to not socialize with the rest of the people in the company....and to spend time with them and enjoy an early Friday afternoon off. So he made a decision that every Friday he would join the rest of the employees in the company bar after work, he realized that this didn't mean he had to drink, but it didn't stop him being there and being apart of things. So he made his decision and on a Friday afternoon when the company closed early he would spend time in the pub with his employees and enjoying have a relaxing end of another week time with them. He only ordered himself cokes while he was there and he never drank and he was never expected to and the employees also realized that they had read him wrong and that he wasn't as arrogant or self-righteous as they had originally thought. And they realized that he was approachable and actually a really nice person.
Now which of these 2 people do you think was wrong in their actions? my answer would be the first. My answer would be that the lady in the first story was an exact example of the pharisees of Jesus' time and the second more what Jesus expects of us or can I say the way Christians are meant to act.
The pharisees of Jesus day would stone a woman to death for committing adultery, Jesus took that same woman by the hand, helped her up and challenged the pharisees that of those of them who had no sin to throw the first stone. After the pharisees had lost that battle, he turned to the woman, blessed her and told her to "go and sin no more" that same woman followed Jesus right to the foot of the cross.
Can we see the difference?
The woman in the first story represents a religious, doctrinated, regimented, legalistic mind governed by the law and as we learnt in earlier posts the law condemns.
The man in the second story represents Jesus' nature, Jesus' came to save and forgive not to condemn.
Do we see the difference?
Jesus, healed, saved and worked with prostitutes, gamblers, alcoholics, the lowest of the low that society had thrown away, he never turned one of them away, everybody was given a chance and loved unconditionally with unending and unbreakable love, he opened His arms wide to welcome them.
Somebody said something to me on Saturday which has stuck in my mind and has made me think - if u can allow another person to corrupt your faith, how strong was your faith to begin with? Something to think about.
As I teenager I touched the world once too often a little bit too much and I ended up being sucked into it and walking away from my faith and I will admit, I allowed other people to corrupt my faith, which I will also admit was not very strong at the time.
But I have come to a believe and a view on the subject and it is this....also taken from my own experience. We get Christians in the world who have given other Christians a bad rep, mostly through their actions and the way they handle things and the way they conduct themselves. First of all you get these street corner preachers, that shout and scream scripture at people and warn them to repent of their sins etc I'm sure we've all seen them and if not we know they exist. I was reading something where the person was talking about these street corner preachers and he said "they will get the exact amount of attention that they deserve" and I wholeheartedly agree with that. Did we see anywhere in the Bible that Jesus went and stood on a street corner and started shouting and screaming at people and acting like a madman? No. He went onto mountain tops, into synagogues and taught peacefully and quietly to all who wanted to hear his teachings.
If God is building us up and teaching us be like Christ, what in our right mind would make us think that God would want us to go and stand on a street corner and act like a madman and scream and shout at people? as Christians we are taught to me be humble, where is the humility in that?
Then we come to my experience and this has shaped my believe in how to bring people to Christ. I went to a private Christian school and this was the place where I was first introduced to my Lord and Saviour. I was christened and raised in the Methodist Church etc as is expected, but I never knew what true Christianity was until I went to that school. However, being in that school I got the sense that I was obligated to give my life to Christ, they would use the concept of going to hell if you are not Born Again (which is true) to convince the children to come to Christ. Please don't get me wrong, I don't believe that they used this tactic on purpose or was one of those Christian institutions that attempts to control by fear, Jesus' doesn't do fear, "He has given us a spirit of peace and love and of a sound mind", so I don't think it was intentional. But I came to Christ for the wrong reasons at that time, I did it out of a fear of going to hell and needless to say my faith at that time didn't last long. I always felt, not good enough for Jesus, like I had to constantly prove myself to be good enough for Him, I always felt insecure, I questioned His love, I questioned whether I was really saved, I doubted myself a lot. And it didn't work, it made me weak as a Christian and it made me an easy target to be lured back into the world system. I didn't just backslide, I did a complete face plant in spectacular fashion.
I came back to Christ in April of this year and this time, I did it because I wanted was my own personal decision that I wanted to follow Jesus, I wanted to be where ever He is and that I wanted to be tethered to my Saviour until the end of time. I discovered a love for Him I had never known before and I came to Him out of my own free will. And that I believe is what should happen, giving your life to Christ should be a personal decision, one that is made out of a person's own free will because it is what they want not for any other reason. Because doing it for any other reason you are going to fail.
And I have gotten sidetracked...I get Christians who impose their beliefs on others, who hammer people with it and they do it at the worst times and I tend to believe that doing this makes people resent and oppose Christians and Christianity even more. They see a Christian coming and think "here comes another sermon, let me run so long". No, I believe that Jesus commissioned us to preach the gospel to every nation, tribe and tongue, but I was also taught by a missionary friend years and years ago that we need to earn the right to share the gospel with the people in our lives. If you've just met a new friend, or a new group of friends and say you get invited to braai for example and you arrive at the braai and they're all drinking etc and you either start a sermon on the sin of drinking and giving them a speech and lecturing them. Or you say to them "sorry, you drink, I can't be associated with you" and you leave, first of all that's rude and it's bad manners and it's arrogant and it's snobbish and it's giving the impression that you think you're morally superior. And I guarantee you, that will be the last time you ever see or speak to that person/people again.
No, we are called to be ambassadors for Christ and in a dark world we are meant to be beacons of light in that dark world. Something or someone that people can grab onto for help in times of need and to find a safe place and when they need to be shown the right way. And I also believe that the best way that we can represent Christ without bombarding people with scripture and hammering people with it, is to live Christianity 24/7/365 and not drag our Lord's name through the mud. Actions speak louder than words, let the fruit of the spirit manifest in you and live it for all the world to see. Let people see Jesus in us and let them be lead to the their own will that way.
Tall, short, thin, fat, ugly, pretty, semi-ugly, semi-pretty, mentally unbalanced, sick, broken, shattered, prostitutes, drug users, drug dealers, pimps, murderers, liars, thieves, adulterers, nobody is exempt Jesus will accept them all and in following Jesus we are expected to do the same. I'm not saying accept or condone their sin, we hate the sin, but we love the person, because the person is God's perfect creation, we are created in His image and that is why we love them, but we don't love the sin.
I have plenty awesome friends in my life who are not Christians at all by any means, but they also know that I am a Christian and my faith is unshakeable and it is a part of what make me, me. And they know if my being Christian is not something they can accept about me then, unfortunately as unwanted and as sad as it is they're welcome to say goodbye. But they know that I will not compromise my beliefs or my faith for anything in this world. They also know that I will never impose or bombard or hammer them with my beliefs or lecture them etc because I believe that this is not something God would do, He is a gentlemen and He will NEVER force Himself on you, so if He wouldn't do it, what give us the right to think we can do what He would never do to us. God, can right this moment, raise His right hand and put mankind on their knees and make them bow to Him, but He doesn't want to do that, and believe me we don't want that. And that would make Him nothing more than a tyrant and a monster which is the exact opposite to what He is, He is a loving, forgiving, gracious, merciful, kind Father to His children. That's why he gave us free will, so we can be able to think for ourselves and choose freely to follow Him and know that should we choose to do that, He will always be there waiting for us.
That's why my belief is, don't turn your back on the world or people who are non believers or refuse to associate with them, we are all people, we are all sinners and we as Christians are called to be the light of the world and to be ambassadors for Christ and live Christianity.
If you take nothing else from this tonight at least take this.....your actions speak louder than your words, and if you are without sin go ahead and throw the first stone.
Night everyone
Till next time
God Bless
Monday, October 1, 2012
Is life supposed to be like this,
Is there supposed to be so many tears?
Am I supposed to hurt so bad and have so many fears?
If You are the Light of the World,
Why do you seem so dim?
I long for things to go so right,
Instead of being grim.
And so I work & work with all my might,
And try to do everything just right.
I'll fix this if it's the last thing I do,
Even if I have to put it ahead of You.
The light grows dimmer, it's dark as night.
Where are you Lord, No solution is in sight.
The wicked one came and destroyed my work,
Around every corner he seemed to lurk.
I seemed no match for this mighty foe,
I was trapped and had no where to go.
He raised his sword for one final blow…
*Then I cried out - JESUS SAVE ME! *
The enemy froze with great surprise,
I could hardly believe my eyes.
He turned and ran in enormous fright,
Behind me glowed a faint dim light.
I turned around and who did I see?
It was Jesus - I fell down to my knees.
Jesus, why is your light so dim?
* My light is not dim, you just can't see, He said. *
* Help me to see, I said *
* Focus on Me and not "me", He said *
And with that scales fell from my eyes -
It was no longer dim.
This whole time my eyes were looking at me,
Instead of on Him.
It was no longer dark, it was shining bright.
There wasn't a single shadow in sight.
He said, Now what is it that you want me to do?
Ask and I'll do it for you.
And He did everything that I hadn't been able to do.
He said, With my strength, nothing is impossible for you.
All I ask is that you put me first,
Then you will never need clothing, go hungry, or thirst.
Love others as I love them, do not hold a grudge.
Be quick to forgive, and never too prideful to budge.
Remember, I suffered and died though you betrayed me, too.
Show the same grace and mercy to others, as I've shown to you.
* Now go and save the lost, heal the sick, and cast out devils in My name *
And now when I use His name, Demons turn and run,
I don't use my strength, but the strength of the Son.
I've laid my hurts and fears at the foot of the cross,
And turned my attention to help others and save the lost.
He has promised to restore all that was once taken away,
I look forward to that soon coming day.
By MJ Huebert
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Old Testament vs New Testament - A Contradiction.....At First Glance
This is a topic I have on numerous occasions run into and I generally find it's the atheists and agnostics that have this belief, although I am sure that a lot of other non-Christian faiths have the same beliefs and that is that the Old and New Testaments of the Bible are a contradiction from start to finish. Yet again, something I was guilty of believing as well in my rebellious days....I remember often questioning the reason why some laws in the Old Testament seemed to contradict themselves in the New Testament and that in my eyes discredited the Bible.
However, in recent weeks I have decided to read the Bible from cover to cover; a task or challenge I know a lot of people have not been able to accomplish and those that have, have found it to be a mammoth feat of endurance...
I have to honestly say I am finding it to be very enjoyable, I haven't given myself a time limit as I want to do it in my own time, at my own pace. But I am enjoying the story and thoroughly enjoying reading the Bible from start to finish and have yet to encounter boredom or lethargy in my latest challenge.
When I started reading the Bible I instantly realized that I would be reading it in the flesh and the best way to gain the type of understanding one needs is reading in the spirit. This is how we gain a deeper understanding of the Bible, so before I started I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me and to open my eyes to deeper truths, to a deeper understanding and to guide me and teach me through the pages of the Bible. And this is what I ask each time I open my Bible I ask for the Holy Spirit to guide me and to impart His Wisdom and Knowledge and to give me understanding and as always He is faithful and I can honestly say I have gained a deeper knowledge and when you read the Bible with guidance from the Holy Spirit it becomes an awesome and amazing adventure and an experience that I am thoroughly enjoying.
Anyway...I'm digressing, so back to the topic at hand. As I was saying I have encountered people saying that the Old Testament and New Testament are a contradiction from start to finish and it was something in the past that I questioned as well and never understood, but recently I have gained understanding.
And this is the basis of this particular to impart that knowledge onto readers.
Basically it comes down to this in a nutshell - The Old Testament and the New Testament are representative of humankind living under 2 different covenants. The Old Testament Covenant is known as the Abrahamic Covenant.....The New Testament is a record of Jesus' life and ministry and The New Testament is representative of the New covenant which WE are now living under. 2 different times, 2 different covenants.
Lets explain that first.... (please remember I am explaining under my understanding and more experienced Christians are more than welcome to correct me).
Remember God is Holy, He is beyond Perfection, and because of that He cannot look at us covered in sin, He cannot look at our imperfection. And because of this He had to institute a system or a method for us to atone for our sins and receive forgiveness.
We need to remember that blood is sacred in God's eyes and the shedding of blood is required as atonement for sin.
The Abrahamic Covenant was given to Abraham by God in Genesis 12:1-3 and was repeated by God again to Abraham's son Isaac and again to his grandson Jacob (see Genesis 26:1-5; 28:13-15) therefore these 3 are known as the covenant fathers.
The covenant was basically the offering of a burnt sacrifice or offering to The Lord as atonement for their sin.
Basically God required the shedding of blood as atonement for mankind's sin.
Also as an extra on the difference between The Old Testament and The New Testament....In Exodus 33:18 (NKJV) Moses said to The Lord "Please, show me Your Glory" and The Lord said to him in verse 20 "You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me and live" and He put Moses inside the cleft of a rock as He passed by and Moses got to see His back. That was the way things were in The Old Testament and it is also a testament to God's Glory, Perfection and Holiness, we couldn't come face to face with Him, He could only deal with our imperfection and sin with His back to us. He couldn't face us, or rather we were not worthy to come face to face with Him and live to tell the tale.
Now we get to The New Testament.
Think about by the time Jesus entered the world how bad the world was at that time, how much wickedness had entered into the world, how disgusting (for lack of a better term) was the human race, how horrible were us sinners. God had created hell but it was never meant for us, it was not created for us, that was never the intention and things had gotten so bad that God was about lose His entire creation to hell.
Obviously He had to do something to save us, to redeem us and the covenant of burnt offerings just wasn't sufficient anymore. Although God still required the shedding of blood as atonement for our sin.
And God made the ultimate sacrifice....He gave His Son.
Now, those of you that have children especially boys especially those who only have one boy...I'm going to stop for a moment and let you imagine taking your only son and sacrificing him, allowing him to suffer the bloodiest, most gruesome, horrific, painful death known to mankind in order to save someone. Just imagine that for a moment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Times up!! Could you do it? I didn't think so.
I couldn't. But that's what God did, He sacrificed His son for u and me and the entire human race. We were created for the purpose of having a relationship with Our Father, He wanted to have a relationship with us, He wanted us to serve Him, to love Him from the beginning. But sin entered the world and it wasn't possible anymore, God had to make a way to make it possible for us to have a relationship with Him. So He did away with the old Abrahamic covenant and made one final sacrifice in the spirit of the old covenant in order to redeem us once and for all. A living sacrifice and the shedding of blood as was required.
There is no more need for burnt sacrifices or for the way things were done in the old testament because Jesus' sacrifice was sufficient to redeem us once and for all.
I think a lot of people don't realize the extent of what Jesus' actually did for us...when Jesus was being crucified, God looked down from Heaven and He didn't see His son being nailed to a cross, what He saw was every single wickedness, sin, mental illness, illness every bad and ugly thing in this world, every murderer, rapist, child molestor, homosexual, abuser, thief, paedophile, adulterer, name it that is what God saw and all fury was let loose. With every nail that was driven in, every gasping breath Jesus took, every cry of pain, every drop of blood God's wrath was satisfied and it had to be done for the purpose of redeeming humankind. Every bad thing whether it be sin, illness, addiction, abuse, anything bad in anybody's life was nailed to The Cross that day and it matters no more.
Just as an interesting thing to consider. The Bible says that "by His stripes we are healed", in Roman law a prisoner was only allowed to receive 40 lashes, if the guards inflicted more than that they would receive lashes themselves. And when Jesus was being whipped they stopped at 39 to prevent going over and them being punished. He only received 39 lashes, study a few medical journals today or speak to a medical doctor or professor or just do some research and you'll find that today....all the illnesses and afflictions known to man today fit into 39 categories....something to think about.
The new covenant made by Jesus' sacrifice means we are redeemed and we are saved by Grace, Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, NOBODY comes to The Father except through Me"....He is now our way, He is our intercessor before God, He is our mediator, we are now free to have a relationship with The Father through Jesus. Because as I said before, God looks at us now through blood stained eyes, the blood of the lamb, the blood of His Son and when He looks at us now, He sees us as perfect and whole and He looks at us with nothing but unconditional love. Nothing we can do can make Him love us more and nothing we've done can make Him close the door.
Before I finish off another difference between The Old and New Testament. In The Old Testament God gave us the Ten Commandments the Ten Commandents was law, what does the law do? the law condemns. Moses went up onto Mount Sinai for an extended period and spent time in The Lord's presence, when he eventually came down he had to wear a veil over his face, why? because his face was shining so brightly, nobody could look at him, but heres the kicker, the people saw how Moses' face was shining and they ran in terror. Why do you think that is? because he represented The Law and he was bringing to them The Law and......all together now....say it with me....The Law Condemns. And in those days, God could only give us His back as He did with Moses.
I read somewhere recently - I think it was in one of Joyce Meyer's books, that by the time Jesus arrived the scribes and the pharisees had taken the Ten Commandments and turned it into 2000 laws that the people had to live by, how can anybody possibly live like that? That's bondage!
Jesus arrived and in the Bible it talks about the first time God introduced His son, He went up onto a mountain (please forgive me I can never remember the name of the mountain, I apologize for this, I will however look it up and make sure I don't forget - ever), Jesus shone up on the mountain brighter than daylight and Moses and I think Abraham appeared on either side of Him and God's voice said from Heaven "This is my Son, in whom I am well pleased, listen to Him" Not "listen to Moses" or "listen to Abraham" no, "listen to My Son". Jesus came down from the mountain as I said shining brighter than daylight and the people ran to Him and wanted to be near Him. Why? because he represented the Redemption, the Grace and the Love that He was bringing us....not The Law that condemns. And He was here to show us a way that we are able and can have a loving relationship with Our Father. And now today the new covenant means that we can come boldly before The Throne and God can deal with us face to face and love us unconditionally as He has always wanted to because we have been redeemed and made new and washed with the Blood of Jesus.
That is the difference, no contradiction, just plain Our Lord having a made a way for us.
God Bless :)
However, in recent weeks I have decided to read the Bible from cover to cover; a task or challenge I know a lot of people have not been able to accomplish and those that have, have found it to be a mammoth feat of endurance...
I have to honestly say I am finding it to be very enjoyable, I haven't given myself a time limit as I want to do it in my own time, at my own pace. But I am enjoying the story and thoroughly enjoying reading the Bible from start to finish and have yet to encounter boredom or lethargy in my latest challenge.
When I started reading the Bible I instantly realized that I would be reading it in the flesh and the best way to gain the type of understanding one needs is reading in the spirit. This is how we gain a deeper understanding of the Bible, so before I started I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me and to open my eyes to deeper truths, to a deeper understanding and to guide me and teach me through the pages of the Bible. And this is what I ask each time I open my Bible I ask for the Holy Spirit to guide me and to impart His Wisdom and Knowledge and to give me understanding and as always He is faithful and I can honestly say I have gained a deeper knowledge and when you read the Bible with guidance from the Holy Spirit it becomes an awesome and amazing adventure and an experience that I am thoroughly enjoying.
Anyway...I'm digressing, so back to the topic at hand. As I was saying I have encountered people saying that the Old Testament and New Testament are a contradiction from start to finish and it was something in the past that I questioned as well and never understood, but recently I have gained understanding.
And this is the basis of this particular to impart that knowledge onto readers.
Basically it comes down to this in a nutshell - The Old Testament and the New Testament are representative of humankind living under 2 different covenants. The Old Testament Covenant is known as the Abrahamic Covenant.....The New Testament is a record of Jesus' life and ministry and The New Testament is representative of the New covenant which WE are now living under. 2 different times, 2 different covenants.
Lets explain that first.... (please remember I am explaining under my understanding and more experienced Christians are more than welcome to correct me).
Remember God is Holy, He is beyond Perfection, and because of that He cannot look at us covered in sin, He cannot look at our imperfection. And because of this He had to institute a system or a method for us to atone for our sins and receive forgiveness.
We need to remember that blood is sacred in God's eyes and the shedding of blood is required as atonement for sin.
The Abrahamic Covenant was given to Abraham by God in Genesis 12:1-3 and was repeated by God again to Abraham's son Isaac and again to his grandson Jacob (see Genesis 26:1-5; 28:13-15) therefore these 3 are known as the covenant fathers.
The covenant was basically the offering of a burnt sacrifice or offering to The Lord as atonement for their sin.
Basically God required the shedding of blood as atonement for mankind's sin.
Also as an extra on the difference between The Old Testament and The New Testament....In Exodus 33:18 (NKJV) Moses said to The Lord "Please, show me Your Glory" and The Lord said to him in verse 20 "You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me and live" and He put Moses inside the cleft of a rock as He passed by and Moses got to see His back. That was the way things were in The Old Testament and it is also a testament to God's Glory, Perfection and Holiness, we couldn't come face to face with Him, He could only deal with our imperfection and sin with His back to us. He couldn't face us, or rather we were not worthy to come face to face with Him and live to tell the tale.
Now we get to The New Testament.
Think about by the time Jesus entered the world how bad the world was at that time, how much wickedness had entered into the world, how disgusting (for lack of a better term) was the human race, how horrible were us sinners. God had created hell but it was never meant for us, it was not created for us, that was never the intention and things had gotten so bad that God was about lose His entire creation to hell.
Obviously He had to do something to save us, to redeem us and the covenant of burnt offerings just wasn't sufficient anymore. Although God still required the shedding of blood as atonement for our sin.
And God made the ultimate sacrifice....He gave His Son.
Now, those of you that have children especially boys especially those who only have one boy...I'm going to stop for a moment and let you imagine taking your only son and sacrificing him, allowing him to suffer the bloodiest, most gruesome, horrific, painful death known to mankind in order to save someone. Just imagine that for a moment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Times up!! Could you do it? I didn't think so.
I couldn't. But that's what God did, He sacrificed His son for u and me and the entire human race. We were created for the purpose of having a relationship with Our Father, He wanted to have a relationship with us, He wanted us to serve Him, to love Him from the beginning. But sin entered the world and it wasn't possible anymore, God had to make a way to make it possible for us to have a relationship with Him. So He did away with the old Abrahamic covenant and made one final sacrifice in the spirit of the old covenant in order to redeem us once and for all. A living sacrifice and the shedding of blood as was required.
There is no more need for burnt sacrifices or for the way things were done in the old testament because Jesus' sacrifice was sufficient to redeem us once and for all.
I think a lot of people don't realize the extent of what Jesus' actually did for us...when Jesus was being crucified, God looked down from Heaven and He didn't see His son being nailed to a cross, what He saw was every single wickedness, sin, mental illness, illness every bad and ugly thing in this world, every murderer, rapist, child molestor, homosexual, abuser, thief, paedophile, adulterer, name it that is what God saw and all fury was let loose. With every nail that was driven in, every gasping breath Jesus took, every cry of pain, every drop of blood God's wrath was satisfied and it had to be done for the purpose of redeeming humankind. Every bad thing whether it be sin, illness, addiction, abuse, anything bad in anybody's life was nailed to The Cross that day and it matters no more.
Just as an interesting thing to consider. The Bible says that "by His stripes we are healed", in Roman law a prisoner was only allowed to receive 40 lashes, if the guards inflicted more than that they would receive lashes themselves. And when Jesus was being whipped they stopped at 39 to prevent going over and them being punished. He only received 39 lashes, study a few medical journals today or speak to a medical doctor or professor or just do some research and you'll find that today....all the illnesses and afflictions known to man today fit into 39 categories....something to think about.
The new covenant made by Jesus' sacrifice means we are redeemed and we are saved by Grace, Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, NOBODY comes to The Father except through Me"....He is now our way, He is our intercessor before God, He is our mediator, we are now free to have a relationship with The Father through Jesus. Because as I said before, God looks at us now through blood stained eyes, the blood of the lamb, the blood of His Son and when He looks at us now, He sees us as perfect and whole and He looks at us with nothing but unconditional love. Nothing we can do can make Him love us more and nothing we've done can make Him close the door.
Before I finish off another difference between The Old and New Testament. In The Old Testament God gave us the Ten Commandments the Ten Commandents was law, what does the law do? the law condemns. Moses went up onto Mount Sinai for an extended period and spent time in The Lord's presence, when he eventually came down he had to wear a veil over his face, why? because his face was shining so brightly, nobody could look at him, but heres the kicker, the people saw how Moses' face was shining and they ran in terror. Why do you think that is? because he represented The Law and he was bringing to them The Law and......all together now....say it with me....The Law Condemns. And in those days, God could only give us His back as He did with Moses.
I read somewhere recently - I think it was in one of Joyce Meyer's books, that by the time Jesus arrived the scribes and the pharisees had taken the Ten Commandments and turned it into 2000 laws that the people had to live by, how can anybody possibly live like that? That's bondage!
Jesus arrived and in the Bible it talks about the first time God introduced His son, He went up onto a mountain (please forgive me I can never remember the name of the mountain, I apologize for this, I will however look it up and make sure I don't forget - ever), Jesus shone up on the mountain brighter than daylight and Moses and I think Abraham appeared on either side of Him and God's voice said from Heaven "This is my Son, in whom I am well pleased, listen to Him" Not "listen to Moses" or "listen to Abraham" no, "listen to My Son". Jesus came down from the mountain as I said shining brighter than daylight and the people ran to Him and wanted to be near Him. Why? because he represented the Redemption, the Grace and the Love that He was bringing us....not The Law that condemns. And He was here to show us a way that we are able and can have a loving relationship with Our Father. And now today the new covenant means that we can come boldly before The Throne and God can deal with us face to face and love us unconditionally as He has always wanted to because we have been redeemed and made new and washed with the Blood of Jesus.
That is the difference, no contradiction, just plain Our Lord having a made a way for us.
God Bless :)
Time is Running Out
A pastor was travelling Last week, he saw an old man, and gave him a lift. While they were going, the old man said; my son, do you know what happened in Heaven last night? The pastor was so terrified and hurriedly parked and asked; Sir, are you sleeping? How did you get the information about Heaven?The old man said; last night in Heaven God became very angry with man and asked the Angels to blow the trumpet. The angels picked up the trumpets and as they were about to blow it Jesus fell down and began to plead in tears. The blood that came out of His hands and body were very fresh. He told God that His death shouldn't be in vain. God couldn't stand the pains of the saints and the wickedness of the evil ones. So He said; "I AM GIVING THEM THEIR LAST CHANCE". Jesus then turned to the angels and told them to move down in their numerous numbers to tell the world that "THE END IS NEAR, JESUS IS COMING VERY SOON". The pastor (sweating and crying) asked; sir, how did you know this?. The OLD MAN replied; I am one of the Angels sent to the World.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
What Makes You A Christian
I'm sure you've noticed that I don't blog very often...the reason for that is because as the Bible instructs I don't believe in idle chatter that has no purpose. I only add a blog post when a subject comes up that I feel is blog worthy.
Also you will find that I don't mention third party's names purely because I don't feel right in doing this, unless I feel it is necessary and then I will only mention that person's relation to me.
Having said this there is a person in my life who I have recently been ministering to and trusting the Lord to them to Him as He did with me.
Recently this person came to a very profound thought which they mentioned to me and the thought was simply this - What Makes You a Christian?
This made me think of the time when I was 16/17 years old working with KAM (Kingdom Advancement Ministries) and the question we always used to ask people who we worked with for salvation counselling was "If you died right now, are you sure of where you are going?" some people were not sure, other's firmly believed they were going to Heaven without a doubt their theory being that they were good people, they read their Bible, they went to church every Sunday, and they were good people and believed that all this made them a Christian worthy of going to Heaven. And this happened to be the same thing that this person in my life said to me only that they believed even in doing these things there still is no guarantee.
So I've decided to address each of these 3 key issues and break it down into more understandable and digestible sections.
1. Does reading your Bible make you a Christian? No. Anybody can read a Bible, unless you can't read. in fact and this will shock you beyond belief - even demons know the Word of God, in fact better than most people do. It can be very disconcerting when in a deliverance session you make a mistake when it comes to scripture and the demon corrects you, not to mention a tad embarrassing.
Anybody can read a Bible....the trick is in the understanding of the Bible and I don't mean in the language like you would say you understand English. No, I mean understanding and vision only The Holy Spirit can give you. You say you're a Christian because you read your Bible but do you have a deeper understanding of what you are reading? do you understand what God is saying to you? do you hear Him speaking to you through the scriptures? do you find yourself learning lessons and life applications through what you read? do you receive revelation and vision through what you read? or are you just reading a "story book" as some believe the Bible to be.
2. Does going to Church make you a Christian? No. Anybody can go to church every Sunday, all are welcome. In fact even a satanist is capable of going to church believe it or not....I was told this story over 2 years ago so I don't remember the exact details. However, in a short sentence there was a case of a high priestess of a satanic cult who pastor ed a Christian church for a number of years before she was caught. No, she didn't teach Christian doctrine, her purpose was to warp as many minds as possible.
So, as I said, anybody can go to church. You can sit in that seat in church until your bumb cheeks turn purple and fall off, it will not make you a Christian.
3. Does being a good person make you a Christian? No. A good person by who's standards? your's? or God's? and if you measure it by God's standards would you be found guilty or innocent? and if guilty, of how many sins? I'll give you a moment to think about this one, jut take a minute and measure yourself by God's standards - I'll give you a moment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tick Tock, Tick Tock >>>>>>>>>>>> Times up. I think you would agree that measured by God's standard's we are not good people and although we believe we are good people that deserve to go to Heaven, let me remind you that we deserve nothing......ask yourself this question...... if your supposed goodness had to be measured by God's standards and He had to give us our just deserts.....what would we get? Again, measured by God's standards, what exactly do we deserve?
So in conclusion, no, none of these things makes you a Christian. But I'll tell you what does, coming before God as a sinner, repenting of your sins and your past and asking Him to take over your life and giving Jesus complete control of every single part of you and your life, that is what makes you a true Christian. A true Christian knows Jesus intimately and personally, a true Christian walks in a constant relationship and even conversation with Jesus, a true Christian's most valuable relationship in life is with his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and it is a relationship that he spends time nurturing and building and growing and spends time getting closer to Jesus and getting to know Him better.
Complete surrender to Jesus that is what makes you a Christian and guarantees your path into Heaven. Having the Holy Spirit as your comforter, teacher and guide only comes when you surrender and completely give yourself to Jesus.
Remember what we deserve as sinners is a fiery death of torture and torment in hell for all eternity, but because of Jesus' sacrifice we are saved by Grace and because of Jesus' sacrifice once you surrender completely to Him, God looks at you through blood stained eyes (The Blood of the Lamb), and He sees you as perfect and whole and as He meant you to be, His beautiful creation, created in His image.
I can tell you from experience that there is no better or more loving relationship than the one we are invited to have with Jesus. I have never experienced more peace and tranquility in His presence and knowing that He is mine and I am His. Sometimes I lose all track of time when I spend time with Him in His presence....but do you think I care.....that's my happy place :P
As a quick thought I decided to add this link, it's a song by Jesus Culture that has recently really grabbed me and is a song that of the type I have never heard before. It is basically God singing to you.........or to mankind, but I prefer to personalize this song when I listen to it :)
Jesus Culture - Come Away
Also you will find that I don't mention third party's names purely because I don't feel right in doing this, unless I feel it is necessary and then I will only mention that person's relation to me.
Having said this there is a person in my life who I have recently been ministering to and trusting the Lord to them to Him as He did with me.
Recently this person came to a very profound thought which they mentioned to me and the thought was simply this - What Makes You a Christian?
This made me think of the time when I was 16/17 years old working with KAM (Kingdom Advancement Ministries) and the question we always used to ask people who we worked with for salvation counselling was "If you died right now, are you sure of where you are going?" some people were not sure, other's firmly believed they were going to Heaven without a doubt their theory being that they were good people, they read their Bible, they went to church every Sunday, and they were good people and believed that all this made them a Christian worthy of going to Heaven. And this happened to be the same thing that this person in my life said to me only that they believed even in doing these things there still is no guarantee.
So I've decided to address each of these 3 key issues and break it down into more understandable and digestible sections.
1. Does reading your Bible make you a Christian? No. Anybody can read a Bible, unless you can't read. in fact and this will shock you beyond belief - even demons know the Word of God, in fact better than most people do. It can be very disconcerting when in a deliverance session you make a mistake when it comes to scripture and the demon corrects you, not to mention a tad embarrassing.
Anybody can read a Bible....the trick is in the understanding of the Bible and I don't mean in the language like you would say you understand English. No, I mean understanding and vision only The Holy Spirit can give you. You say you're a Christian because you read your Bible but do you have a deeper understanding of what you are reading? do you understand what God is saying to you? do you hear Him speaking to you through the scriptures? do you find yourself learning lessons and life applications through what you read? do you receive revelation and vision through what you read? or are you just reading a "story book" as some believe the Bible to be.
2. Does going to Church make you a Christian? No. Anybody can go to church every Sunday, all are welcome. In fact even a satanist is capable of going to church believe it or not....I was told this story over 2 years ago so I don't remember the exact details. However, in a short sentence there was a case of a high priestess of a satanic cult who pastor ed a Christian church for a number of years before she was caught. No, she didn't teach Christian doctrine, her purpose was to warp as many minds as possible.
So, as I said, anybody can go to church. You can sit in that seat in church until your bumb cheeks turn purple and fall off, it will not make you a Christian.
3. Does being a good person make you a Christian? No. A good person by who's standards? your's? or God's? and if you measure it by God's standards would you be found guilty or innocent? and if guilty, of how many sins? I'll give you a moment to think about this one, jut take a minute and measure yourself by God's standards - I'll give you a moment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tick Tock, Tick Tock >>>>>>>>>>>> Times up. I think you would agree that measured by God's standard's we are not good people and although we believe we are good people that deserve to go to Heaven, let me remind you that we deserve nothing......ask yourself this question...... if your supposed goodness had to be measured by God's standards and He had to give us our just deserts.....what would we get? Again, measured by God's standards, what exactly do we deserve?
So in conclusion, no, none of these things makes you a Christian. But I'll tell you what does, coming before God as a sinner, repenting of your sins and your past and asking Him to take over your life and giving Jesus complete control of every single part of you and your life, that is what makes you a true Christian. A true Christian knows Jesus intimately and personally, a true Christian walks in a constant relationship and even conversation with Jesus, a true Christian's most valuable relationship in life is with his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and it is a relationship that he spends time nurturing and building and growing and spends time getting closer to Jesus and getting to know Him better.
Complete surrender to Jesus that is what makes you a Christian and guarantees your path into Heaven. Having the Holy Spirit as your comforter, teacher and guide only comes when you surrender and completely give yourself to Jesus.
Remember what we deserve as sinners is a fiery death of torture and torment in hell for all eternity, but because of Jesus' sacrifice we are saved by Grace and because of Jesus' sacrifice once you surrender completely to Him, God looks at you through blood stained eyes (The Blood of the Lamb), and He sees you as perfect and whole and as He meant you to be, His beautiful creation, created in His image.
I can tell you from experience that there is no better or more loving relationship than the one we are invited to have with Jesus. I have never experienced more peace and tranquility in His presence and knowing that He is mine and I am His. Sometimes I lose all track of time when I spend time with Him in His presence....but do you think I care.....that's my happy place :P
As a quick thought I decided to add this link, it's a song by Jesus Culture that has recently really grabbed me and is a song that of the type I have never heard before. It is basically God singing to you.........or to mankind, but I prefer to personalize this song when I listen to it :)
Jesus Culture - Come Away
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